Main Scriptures: Eph.4:30-31
More Scriptures: Rev.12:10, Rom.10:10, Ps.51:10
And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be ye kind one to another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you (Eph.4:30-31)
You cannot be bitter with your wife and children and be better as man, husband and father. Bitterness is a barrier. You cannot speak evil against your sheep and be righteous before God. And you cannot hold malice against your sheep and be healthy as a shepherd. Bitterness hinders your capacity to grow unto maturity. It beclouds your ability to judge rightly. It shuts down the flow of inspiration. In fact, bitterness represents the dark side of life. It drains you of your spiritual energy and it is a burden. If bitterness is all of these, is it worth the trouble being bitter towards your wife and children? The Scripture describes bitterness as a sin. Therefore, there is no husband who harbours bitterness in his heart that will make heaven. It doesn’t matter the negative picture you have about your wife and children or what people may have told you about them. You must resist bitterness.
But how do I you overcome the power and force of bitterness as a husband and the head of my family? Firstly and the most critical is for you to see bitterness for what it is- it is a sin. Secondly, you must war against it in prayers and fasting and confessions (Rom.10:10). Thirdly, you must contend using the blood of Jesus Christ as a weapon of warfare (Rev.12:10-11). As my father in the faith, Bishop David Oyedepo once remarked that the blood of Jesus Christ is the last card. You can and will always win by the prevailing power in the blood of Jesus Christ. And lastly engage the help of the Holy Spirit to recreate a clean heart and a right spirit within you (Ps.51:10). Because until your heart is right your response will be wrong. It takes a right heart and spirit to act better. And as you fight to overcome the deceitfulness of bitterness, you will enjoy unhindered blessings from the Lord. You will also enjoy unhindered answers to your prayers. In 1 Pet.3:7, the Scripture warns that when we as husbands deal with our wives without knowledge, our prayers are hindered. The reason why satan would want you to be bitter towards your wife and children is not just to spite your flocks, but very importantly, he wants to render your prayers impotent. And you will agree with me that unanswered prayers may lead to frustration, because according to Scriptures, hope deferred makes the heart sick.
· Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from the spirit of bitterness.
· Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from every form of filthiness.
· Father, in the Name of Jesus, sanctify my spirit, soul and body with the power of purity and love.
I refuse to be bitter towards my wife and children because I am a good and godly husband to them in Jesus Name. Amen.
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