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Main Scriptures: Ephesians 2:14-15

More Scriptures: Colossians 3:15, James 3:18, 2Thessalonia 3:16

Today as we conclude, it is very important to remind ourselves as heads of our families and husbands to our wives of the two pronouncements we must make over them. These priestly blessings are energy and strength for our wives and faith and boldness. Also, we must decide the days of the week when we must declare the blessing. May the Lord grant you and I the power to be consistent, faithful and loyal in Jesus Name. Amen.

So, today I want to share with you the last but not the least. Jesus Christ who is the perfect example of the good and godly husband, assured His bride, the disciples of one very important thing. The peace of God. He told them He will give them the peace of God that passes all understanding. Why was this so important to the disciples of Jesus Christ? It is simply because if the sheep lacks peace, it loses focus. That is what happens when your wife lacks the peace of God in her life. She needs it to be steadfast and unwavering. She needs it to serve your best interest. The word of God says that your wife is your helper. For it is not good for the man to be alone. I will make for him a helpmeet (Genesis 2:18). But until she has the peace of God in her heart, she will perform below par for you. Therefore, this is the priestly blessing you must make over her.

FATHER, I DECLARE THE PEACE OF GOD TO OVERWHELM MY WIFE. Your wife needs peace of mind, not as the world gives but as God gives-the kind that passes all understanding and expectation of man.  The peace of God is the key that opens the door to good health, focus, wholeness and receptivity for your wife. If your wife doesn’t have peace of mind, everything around her would suffer, including you, not because she intentionally wants everything to suffer. When she is not overwhelmed with the peace of Jesus Christ, which you have been empowered to give to her through your prayers, she would be afraid and agitated. And once agitation sets in, distraction and withdrawals become the output you would get from her. So, as the head of your wife, you have a godly responsibility to ask Jesus Christ to pour His abundant and overflowing peace upon her. Jesus speaking said, let not your heart be troubled (John 14:1). Do you know that when your wife lacks the peace of Jesus Christ in her heart, her faith will be destroyed? That was exactly what happened to husband Abraham and his wife Sarah. Sarah did not have the peace of God in her heart because of the fact that she had passed the age when women gave birth. She was old and her womb was dead. Out of agitation, she offered her husband her hand maid, Haggai, even though that was not the will of God for them. Your wife needs the peace of Jesus Christ in her life. Decree it upon her life and watch her glow in beauty and honour.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, saturate my wife with Your peace to overflowing level.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, secure my wife’s mind from the worries and cares of this world.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, uphold my wife with Your love and assurances.


I stand in the priestly office of the husbandman and pronounce the priestly blessing of the peace of Jesus Christ upon my wife because that is my cardinal all as the good and godly shepherd in Jesus Name. Amen

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