Main Scriptures: 1Cor.13:4-7
More Scriptures: 1Pet.3:7, Matt.6:12, 1Tim.2:2
Love is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs (1Cor.13:5) NIV. If you understand how games are played, you would appreciate the gravity of keeping scores against your sheep. There is someone whose job is to keep scores of the teams and at the end of the day, the scores are read. The winners rejoice and the losers cry in defeat. But what is the Holy Spirit telling us today as heads of our families and spiritual leaders of our homes? As a husband, you are not ordained to keep records of the wrong your wife has done, not even your child (ren). God has commanded you to love your wife, and the love that God is talking about is that which covers multitude of sin. Yes, it is true that your wife and may have offended you several times over. It is also true that she continues to fall below your expectations. God does not want you to open a register for all her offenses whether in your heart or in a book. God wants you to walk in forgiveness towards your sheep. It is the devil’s trick to make you want to keep records of wrong of your sheep. Satan does that so that you can be easily provoked.
It is dangerous to keep records of wrong. When you do that it breeds unforgiveness and hatred in your heart against your flock. This is not the will of God for you. Consequently, it hinders your prayers from being answered. The Scripture says ……that your prayers may not be hindered (1Pet.3:7b). Why? Because when you keep records of their wrong, it makes you deal with them treacherously (Mal.2:14). So, for you to overcome the temptation to keep records of wrong done to you by your sheep, you need to adopt spiritual strategies. First, adopt the principle of advance forgiveness. In Matt.6, the Bible taught us how to pray. And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who trespass against us (Matt.6:12). When you pray this prayer, you have prepared the ground to learn to forgive your wife and children when they offend you. Secondly, you must be willing to teach them. In 1Tim.3:2 the Scripture tells us that one of the characteristics of a good and godly husband is the ability to teach others. You can get relevant spiritual materials (book, tapes, and CDs) that would help them grow out of and overcome their errors. Your flock can be better than where they are. You can make it happen.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, erase every record of wrong committed by my flock from my heart.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me.
I have the mind of Christ inside of me and working in me to love my flock without bitterness and unforgiveness because that is my heritage as a good and godly husband in Jesus Name. Amen
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