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Main Scriptures: Col.4:16-17

More Scriptures: Gen.2:18, Is.1:19, Jas.1:22

The name Archippus is not a very popular name in Scriptures and many of us may not be familiar with the person. But by the help of the Holy Spirit, I want to unveil the unique personality of Archippus and the lessons you and I can learn from him.

Archippus was one of the followers of Apostle Paul. He was a faithful and dedicated servant. So, when Apostle Paul was closing his epistle to the Colossian church, he said, “and say to Archippus, take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it” Col.4:17. This was both a command and an admonition to Archippus to ensure that he fulfilled the ministry God had committed into his hands. And now what lessons can you and I learn as husbands and spiritual leaders in our families? The first lesson is that being the husbandman is a divine assignment. The office was instituted by God Himself and not man (Gen.2:15-18). So, for this reason, God will hold you accountable for what you did and didn’t do as the shepherd. In Gen.3:6, God held the husband accountable for the fall of his family. In Acts 5, the husband paid dearly for mismanaging his family. He died both him and his wife. For this reason, you must see your headship as a ministry and take heed to fulfill the responsibilities that come with the office.

Secondly, as a husband, you are called unto higher commitments by God. The financial and material commitment before your wedding is as important to God as the tasks of leading your wife and children in marriage. In fact, the fanfare and celebrations on your wedding day do not compare to what qualifies you to be a good and godly husband. What matters to God and your sheep is what you make out of your headship. You are the captain of the ship. If it sinks, it is your fault. If it successfully sails to a glorious destination-peace, joy, fruitfulness, godly seeds, honourable and a spotless wife, and much more- it is your gain. But for you to be like Archippus, you must be ready and willing to obey every instruction God shows you by His Spirit from His word. In Isa.1:18-19, the word of God says, if you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. Good is available only to those who are willing and obedient. The gospel according to James exhorts us to know that we must be not only hearers but doers of the word of God. And as you align your life to meet these spiritual demands, you will enjoy all round peace. Secondly, you will create a spiritual atmosphere that will dispel every ungodly influence. Are you Archippus?


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, I receive help to be faithful to my calling as a husband.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to be a diligent, prayerful and committed shepherd.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me with divine wisdom and help me walk in the light.


I vow to be diligent, committed, faithful and prayerful in all my pursuit of being the good and godly husband in Jesus Name. Amen.

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