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Main Scriptures: Genesis 20:3-7

More Scriptures:1Sam.7:5, Job 42:8, 1Jn.5:16

A few days ago, I was meditating on Gen.20:7 and I realized that by reason of my headship as a husband, God has ordained me a prophet unto my wife and children. I discovered that I have the ability to envision and speak the counsel of God for my wife and children and see it come to pass. So, within my family fold, I am a prophet.

If you are a husband reading this devotional, understand that you are an ordained prophet in your family kingdom. But what gives validity to this truth? The Bible- the undiluted and eternal word of God. Now therefore restore to the man (husband) his wife, FOR HE IS A PROPHET and he shall pray for thee and thou shalt live. (Gen.20:7). From the Bible passage, God called Abraham a prophet for the simple reason that his office as the husbandman was threatened by an unreasonable king, the same way the forces of hell are working to see that you fail and fall as a good and godly husband. The king, Abimelech, took the wife of Abraham, perhaps because he thought that as a king he could do whatever he liked. He did not realize that there is a King Who sits in heaven and rules in the affairs of men.

So, God appeared to him and commanded him to return Sarah to her husband, Abraham or else he would be dead. Interestingly, God qualified the position of the husband by saying for he is a prophet. How do I know that husband Abraham was a prophet? Firstly, because God called him a prophet. And secondly, because in verse 17 of Gen.20, the word of God says, so Abraham prayed unto God and God healed Abimelech, and his wife and his maidservants, and they bear children.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, destroy every attempt of hell to make me timid.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to function maximally as a prophet over my flock.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, confirm every word that proceeds out of my mouth in the direction of my flock.


I am an ordained prophet of God and I rule in the affairs of my family fold after the order of Jesus Christ, because that is my heritage as a good and godly husband in Jesus Name. Amen.

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