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Main Scriptures: Genesis 20:3-7

More Scriptures: 1Sam.7:5, Job 42:8, 1Jn.5:16

Yesterday, we established from Scriptures that every husband is an ordained prophet unto his flock. You are a man of influence. You can decree what you want to see happen in your family fold and in the lives of your wife and children. As a prophet in your home, no one has the right to steal the health, peace, joy, strength, emotions, physical agility of your wife and children. Not even a king. Not even satan. God has empowered you to put a stop to every operation of hell against your flock. You don’t have to have a church to become a prophet. You don’t have to be ordained by the church council for you to become a prophet. Your position as the head of the family comes with the prophetic grace.

This means you can function powerfully as a prophet over your wife and children. As a prophet, you can pray your sick wife or child out of that sickness whether emotional, physical or spiritual. Abraham prayed for the king and his entire household and the yoke of barrenness was destroyed. You can also rescue and deliver your wife and children from those ungodly habits and addictions through the prophetic grace that is at work in your life as the head of the home. However, for you to operate in this glorious office, you must be conscious of the truth that you are a prophet. You must act like one and believe (faith) that you are a prophet (Rev.5:10-12).

Remember that the Scripture says that as a man thinketh in HIS HEART SO IS HE.  So, the first place to settle your prophetic anointing is in your heart. When you agree with God in your heart that you are a prophet, then you will find it easy to operate in that office with outstanding results. Don’t allow the noise and pressures of life douse your position. You must be conscious of your prophetic office. Declare that you are a prophet and walk in that understanding and be a blessing to your wife and children and the world.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, destroy every attempt of hell to make me timid.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to function maximally as a prophet over my flock.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, confirm every word that proceeds out of my mouth in the direction of my flock.


I am an ordained prophet of God and I rule in the affairs of my family fold after the order of Jesus Christ, because that is my heritage as a good and godly husband in Jesus Name. Amen.

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