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Main Scriptures: Eph.2:14-15

More Scriptures: Col.3:15, Jas.3:18, 2Thess.3:16

Yesterday, we considered the second prayer point for our wives-praying for supernatural faith and courage to believe us and our dreams and vision. Today, the third prayer point is FATHER, OVERWHELM MY WIFE WITH YOUR PEACE. Your wife needs peace of mind, not as the world gives but as God gives -the kind that passes all understanding and expectation of man. Why is this prayer point very important for your wife and by extension you? It is important because peace is the key which opens the door to good health, focus, wholeness and receptivity. If your wife doesn’t have peace of mind, everything around her would suffer, including you, not because she intentionally wants everything to suffer. When she is not overwhelmed with the peace of Jesus Christ, which you have been empowered to give to her through your prayers, she would be afraid and agitated. And once agitation sets in, distraction and withdrawals become the output you would get from your wife.

So, as the head of your wife, you have a godly responsibility to ask Jesus Christ to pour His abundant and overflowing peace upon her. Jesus speaking said, let not your heart be troubled. At another time, He said, in the world there will be trouble but in Him, there is peace. My dear fellow husband, do you know that when your wife and my wife lack the peace of Jesus Christ in their hearts, they may destroy our faith walk? Do you also know that if our wives are not filled with the peace of Jesus to the point of overflowing that satan would fill them with fear and doubt? That was exactly what happened to husband Abraham and his wife Sarah. Sarah did not have the peace of God in her heart because of the fact that she had gone past the age when women gave birth. She was old and her womb was dead. Out of agitation, she offered her husband her hand maid, Haggai, even though that was not the will of God for them. You need to partner with your wife to navigate the path of life, for if the two of you shall agree as touching anything on the earth, it shall be done for you. The peace of Jesus in your wife and yourself is what empowers the force of change, and it is your duty to uphold your wife in prayers for the peace of God to overwhelm her.


  • Father, by Your Spirit, fill and overwhelm the heart of my wife with Your peace, through Christ Jesus.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver my wife from agitation and anxiety.
  • Father, by the blood of Jesus Christ, keep my wife in perfect peace.


I stand in the gap in prayers for my wife for supernatural PEACE AND JOY in the Holy Ghost because I am ordained by God to be a good and godly husband to her in Jesus name. Amen.

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