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Main Scriptures: Philippians 1:6

More Scriptures: Ezk.28:13, 1Sam.30:6, Jn.15:11

Prophecy: There’s a husband reading this devotional today and you are wondering if you made a mistake marrying the wife you married or even being the shepherd. You are confused and thinking that if you had known you would have remained unmarried. You are overwhelmed by the pressures-health challenge of your wife and children, unpleasant reports about your children, loss of business or financial lack and want. The Spirit of God is saying, be confident of this one thing; that God which made you smile on your wedding day will perform His will for you, so says the Spirit of God for this hour.

As the head of the family, there will be times in your life that it would seem as if the whole world is crumbling on you. There are times that it will appear as if every door you attempt to open seems shut. Don’t be discouraged! God will perform His good works in your life and restore the joy of being a man, husband and father.

If you study the story of David in 1Samuel chapter 30, you will observe that he was confronted with a challenge that brought him to his knees. In verse 6 of 1 Samuel chapter 30, the Scriptures say that David “was greatly distressed. He was not just distressed, infact, he was GREATLY DISTRESSED. But rather than allow the circumstances to overwhelm him, he encouraged himself in the Lord his God. God has not called you to become a husband just to punish you. He did not give you a wife and children to make you unhappy. See the description of the kind of home God made for you. God said the home that I gave to you “is the garden of God, every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the berly, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire….in the day thou was created (Ezk.28:13). So, your home is filled with precious stones so that your joy can be full.

Therefore, whatever you are going through at this moment and it appears you are greatly depressed, hold on to Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of your faith. You will get out of that predicament, if only you will raise the bar of your confidence in God. Keep your eyes on Him. He has not forgotten you. Your wife is not the problem. Your children are not the problem. Don’t curse God at this moment and damn His promises for you as the head of the family. Your headship is for glory, honour, triumph, victory and peace. Judge God faithful.


  • Father, by Your Spirit, make me profitable to my family in all areas.
  • Father, by the power in the blood of Jesus, deliver me from the spirit of bitterness, discouragement and heaviness.
  • Father, by Your Spirit, sustain my love and hope in You even in the midst of the present problems


I put my trust in God and confident in the Person of the Holy Spirit to guide me through the present obstacles and to make me victorious as a good and godly man, husband and father in Jesus name. Amen.

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