Main Scriptures: John 4:6-30
More Scriptures: Jn.15:5, Eph.5:23, Col.3:20
The story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman is as inspiring as the relationship between the husband and his wife. Jesus met the woman at the well and asked her to give Him water. Jesus told her about her life- she had had more than three husbands and even the man she was staying with was not her husband. She was surprised. Her life was not anything anybody should celebrate. Even His disciples were surprised that Jesus could be talking with her-an unfit and indecent woman. The summary of the character of this woman is that she was wayward, irresponsible, and uncoordinated. But at the end of the discussion with Jesus, she became an instant evangelist.
There is a lesson there for every husband. No matter the level of character flaws your wife or children may have, do not condemn them whether in the open or in the secret. You are like Christ to your wife and children. In Eph.5, the Scriptures say husbands love thy wife as Christ has loved the church (Eph.5:25). Jesus did not talk evil about the woman either to those who came to the well or to His disciples. His conversation with the woman was filled with compassion, love, mercy and patience. Your wife and children may have their shortcomings, yet as a representative of God in your home, you must not allow that to affect the measure of love, mercy and compassion and care you give to them. You must not also announce or make their failures public. Instead, be inspired and moved by God-kind of love to teach them the way out of their wayward lifestyles. God did not send you to your wife and children to destroy them. He sent you to them to transform their lives-spirit, soul and body.
However, for you to change your wayward sheep from negative attitudes to positive attitudes, you must be willing and patient to teach them the ways of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was not in a hurry when He met the Samaritan woman. He saw His meeting with the woman as an opportunity to minister LIFE to her. And He patiently did that. Being the head is your greatest opportunity to minster life and greatness to your wife and children but you must do it, patiently. In Heb.6:15, God’s word says, and so after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise (Heb.6:15). Note the phrase, “patiently endured”. You may have complained that after several corrections it seems your wife and children are unwilling to change, therefore there is no hope. You must remember that as the head of the family, you are the vine and your wife and children are the branches (Jn.15:5). Keep pressing on in Jesus Christ and see your wife and children transformed into the image and likeness of godliness.
- Father, by Your Spirit, empower me with uncommon grace to be patient with my wife and children.
- Father, by Your Spirit, help me not to give up on my wife and children.
- Father, by the blood of Jesus, deliver my heart from the force of discouragement and hopelessness.
I walk in the love of Christ towards my wife and children because that is what makes me a good and godly husband in Jesus name. Amen.
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