Main Scriptures: Jn.14:26
More Scriptures: 1Sam.30:6, 1Pet.5:2, Is.55:3-5
But when the Father sends the Comforter instead of me, and by the Comforter I mean the Holy Spirit-he will teach you much, as well as remind you of everything I myself have told you (Jn.14:26) TLB
I will send the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, He will teach you all things………..(Jn.14:26)
As the head of your family, you must understand and agree with the truth of Scriptures that you are a leader and a man of influence. God sent you to your wife and children to impact their lives positively. You are full of the wisdom of God and you have Jesus Christ as your perfect model of the godly husbandman. The value your wife and children would place on you is as a result of the solutions you have provided and are willing to provide for them in those areas where they have challenges-spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and financial. When your sheep sees you as their true head and the man who takes the initiative, you will always be the first person they will run to when they have a problem. You will be the first to know about any threat, opposition, obstacle or plan they may be faced with. And as you creatively bring solutions to their challenges, your rating in their minds will be very high, and that is where your glory lies.
Very importantly, there are three areas God expects you to take the initiative as the head of family. The first is the area of spirituality. You are to speak out the will of God for your sheep and sheepfold and engage all the spiritual arsenals of prayer, fasting and consistent and aggressive confession and profession of the truth of Scriptures. You must understand that you will lose your place as the spiritual head of your home, if it is your sheep that takes the initiative on spiritual matters or challenges that require spiritual answers. Another area is the place of emotions of your wife and children. As the shepherd over your sheep and sheepfold, you must understand that your wife and children have feelings. They have the capacity to cry when they feel hurt and be happy when something good happens to them. So, it is your responsibility to ensure their emotional well-being is healthy and secured from the corruption of this world. Thirdly, you must take the initiative concerning their physical well-being. Give your wife and children a hug; give your wife a kiss; give her a massage where she hurts; embrace your children; guide them on how they should dress and conduct themselves in public; affirm to them that they are beautiful and handsome. You must help them appreciate who they are in God and develop their self-worth. As the man, husband and father, you must take the initiative and be creative, by the help of the Holy Spirit, to be a problem-solver. And this you can do by strengthening your partnership with the Holy Spirit as you ask Him to guide you through the hurdles in the lives of your wife and children.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to take the initiative to always provide help to my wife and children.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from fear, doubt and pride but fill me with the spirit of humility and courage to serve.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, pour upon me and fill my heart with the Spirit of wisdom and knowledge and a sound mind.
I take the initiative to always provide help and support to my wife and children because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman in Jesus Name. Amen.
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