Main Scriptures: Pro.4:20-25
More Scriptures: Rev.12:11, Ps.51:10, Ps.19:14
Yesterday by the help of the Holy Spirit, we understood as husbands and heads of our families’ kingdom that what satan and his agents try to do is to take away the knowledge of Jesus Christ from our hearts. We also learnt that once satan steals the knowledge of the truth, we begin to act like ungodly husbandmen to our sheep, and if we don’t repent on time, we lose our sheep and sheepfold. I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ that you will not lose your sheep and sheepfold to carelessness. I ask that the grace and power to always keep the knowledge of God in your heart and act on it be given to you in Jesus Name. Amen.
Let us continue. As the head of your family, you must understand that God’s word is a seed. When you receive it into your heart with joy and meditate on it, it becomes rooted in your spirit man. It is the word of God in your heart that you trade with that blesses you-making you act in ways that please the Lord. Because satan has been your arch enemy, he tries everything to steal from your heart the knowledge of God. If you beat up your wife or sexually molest your child or act in ways that do not befit your godly nature as the godly husbandman, and yet you justify your action, it is very obvious that the knowledge of Christ has been stolen from you. But thank God we have the answers in the word of God. So, the first step to take to keep the knowledge of God in you is to give yourself continually to the study of the word of God and meditate on it day and night (Ps.1:1-2). In Joshua chapter 1 and verse 8, the Scripture has this to say. This Book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt mediate therein DAY and NIGHT that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein, for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success. Also, in Pro.4:20-21, the Scripture says, my son ATTEND to my words, incline thine EAR unto my saying, let them not depart from thine EYES, keep them in the midst of thine HEART. And very importantly, the word says in verse 24, keep thy heart with all DILIGENCE, for out of it are the issues of life. Secondly, you must continue to plead the blood of Jesus Christ over your conscience. This is so important because it is the blood of Jesus that overcomes what satan throws at you. As the head of your family, you are daily contending with the forces of darkness trying hard to destroy your office so the surest way for your victory is to plead the blood of Jesus Christ in faith (Rev.12:11). Fight to keep the knowledge of God in your heart; it is your greatest security.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, fill me with the knowledge of the truth of Your word.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to give attention to Your word.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from pride and give me grace to learn at Your feet and act on the truth.
FAITH CONFESSION I take hold of the truth of God’s word and run with it joyfully and committedly in pursuit of my assignment as the good and godly husband to my wife and children in Jesus Name. Amen
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