Main Scriptures: Romans 13:1-7
More Scriptures: Matt.8:9, Lk.7:8, 1Pt.3:13
Today’s devotional topic is very instructive to every godly husbandman who desires to triumph as the head and spiritual authority in his home. This is particularly true for those husbands who cannot be corrected or feel they are above correction. I mean husbandmen who are proud in heart. Sometime back, I was told a true life story of a husband, who was invited by the pastor of his church on issues that bordered around the problem he had with his wife. He arrived at the pastor’s office to discuss the challenge. But mid-way into the discussion, this husband stormed out of the office of his pastor. But before leaving, he warned the pastor never to invite him on matter concerning his relationship with his wife. So, neither his wife nor any other person could advice, counsel or correct him. It is a dangerous life to live.
Now look at our main text today from Romans chapter 13 and verses 1 to 7. It says, let every soul be subject unto the higher powers, for there is no power but of God, the powers that be are ordained of God (:7). As the godly shepherd and an authority in your home, you must learn to submit to the authority of your leaders either in your church or family. If you resist their correction and admonition, you have resisted the ordinances of God (Rom.13:2). You must learn to give your leaders at whatever level the opportunity to correct and counsel you. You must give them a listening ear. This reminds me of the film I watched some months ago. It is called “fire proof”.This husband had problems with his wife. His relationship with his wife was far from good. It was so bad that even their neighbours knew it. When he complained to his father about what he was going through with his wife, his father, who in this case was an elder, advised him accordingly. Initially, the suggestions did not make sense, and he complained about it to his father. But he was willing and ready to do as he had been instructed. And the result was a sweet reunion and rededication of their marriage relationship. Have you imagined if this husband was heady, proud and arrogant? He would not have made any headway in restoring his relationship with his wife and that would have led to divorce. He wanted to make his family work. He was ready to be corrected. He didn’t claim to know it all.
Let me show you something that may help you to listen to your leaders. In verse 5 of Rom.13, the Scriptures say, wherefore, ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for CONSCIENCE sake. It also said, render therefore to all their dues, tribute to whom tribute is due, custom to whom custom, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour. You must understand that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. You need the help of God to make the best of your divine calling as the godly man, husband and father to your wife and children and the market place of life.
- Father, by the blood of Jesus, forgive me for being rebellious to my leaders on my family matters.
- Father, by the blood of Jesus, deliver me from the power of rebellion and pride.
- Father, by Your Spirit, help me to honour and respect my leaders that You have brought my way.
I give honour to whom honour is due and even to my leaders as I receive grace to lead my wife and children as the good and godly husbandman in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
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