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Main Scriptures: 1Timothy 3:1-5

More Scriptures: Ti.1:6, Eph.6:4, Gen.24:7

Yesterday, by the help of the Holy Spirit, we as heads of our sheepfold were reminded of the need to uphold our sheep in prayers continuously because that is the principal means by which we can bring them to do the things the please God and give us rest.  I am confident that you have been blessed and you have begun to intercede for your wife and children as a way of life. I pray that your prayers shall not be hindered in Jesus name. Amen.

Today, I want us to examine another key person you must also intercede for. And that is your children. Remember that Isaac prayed for his wife when she was unable to conceive and God answered him and gave them a child (Gen.25:20-21). It is sad to hear nowadays how fathers have abandoned this critical role of nurturing the children as commanded by the word of God in Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 4 to the mothers- the role of praying and mentoring their children. As the head of the family, you must always remember that your children are your seeds. They came from your loins. It is your God ordained responsibility to nurture them in the way and admonition of the Lord. Your children are your extension into the future. They carry on your legacies, if you dare to have any. Come to think of it, they bear your name and not that of your wife. If it gives you so much pride to see your children bear your name, then it becomes very true for you to help them grow to become better people to their world.

Now, if you consider the enrolment requirement for being a godly husbandman in 1Tim.3 and Titus chapter 1, you will appreciate the role and impact you play in the lives of your children. In Titus.1:6, it says, if any be blameless, the husband of one wife, HAVING FAITHFUL CHILDREN NOT ACCUSED OF RIOT OR UNRULY.  Note the word faithful. It is not enough for you to be a leader who is blameless, it is much more important for your seeds (children) to take after your footsteps. In verse 4 of 1Tim. 3, the Scriptures say that the husband must have his children in subjection with all gravity.  

But how do I nurture my children? You do that by praying for them and praying them into the will of God for their lives, focusing on those specific areas where they need improvement. It could be some negative tendencies that you are noticing in them like bullying, unforgiveness, anger, pride and much more. It could also be in the areas of self- worth, may be they are lacking in confidence, faith and courage. It may also be in the areas of their spiritual maturity and academics pursuits. Your prayer investments into their lives defines their end, either for good or for evil. As the spiritual head of the family, everything that comes out of you is a seed, including your prayers for them. It speaks for the now and in the future. And if you don’t sow any seed, you shouldn’t expect any harvest. Your children will not turn out to be the best because you wish so. They will turn out to be the best because you deliberately took time out to invest your spiritual seed of intercession into their lives.


  • Father, by Your Spirit, empower me to pray aright for my seeds (children).
  • Father, by Your Spirit, make my seeds (children) to bear much fruits on the earth.
  • Father, by Your Spirit, help me not to take my office as the head of the family for granted.


I take full charge of my children by interceding for them always because that is what makes me a good and godly father in Jesus name. Amen.

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