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Main Scriptures: Mark 6:33-37

More Scriptures: Jn.4:2, Mk.9:29, Rom.5:5

One of the worst things you can do to your wife and children is to abandon them when they needed you most. Infact, it leaves a lasting negative impact on them and a bitter test in their mouth. It also creates a gulf between you and them. And this is why Jesus, the perfect example of the good and godly husband, gave us an example to follow. The example is found in Mark Gospel chapter 6. Jesus Christ had had a long stretch of teaching engagement. He had with Him multitude, whom He referred to as sheep (Mk.6:34). These sheep needed help-they were hungry, and they needed food to eat. But the sub leaders (His disciples) asked Jesus to send the hungered people away to go and fend for themselves. The disciples responded and said, Send them away, that they may go into the country round about and into the villages and BUY THEMSELVES BREAD, for they have nothing to eat. Mk.6:36.

It is wickedness to abandon your wife and children to themselves. It is ungodly and the attitude of a hireling to abandon or neglect your sheep. However, the Great and Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, did not agree with His disciples. He said unto them, give them to eat. He didn’t send them away or left them to fend for themselves. He provided for their needs despite the unpleasant circumstances-they were in a desert place, and the time was far spent. Your wife and children need you. They are your sheep, and you are their shepherd. There are things they cannot do for themselves. You are like a support machine. Can you imagine what would have happened to the followers if they had been sent away hungered and tired in the desert? Your guess is as good as mine. They would have been disappointed with Jesus Christ. Some of them would have died. And it may be difficult for them to follow Jesus Christ again. Above all, Jesus would have lost His leadership testimony. That is what happens when you abandon your wife and children. You lose your worth and value before them. 

But how do I walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ as the good shepherd? Firstly, you must be compassionate toward your wife and children. Secondly, you must ask the Person of the Holy Spirit to spread abroad His love in your heart (Rom.5:5). God is love and God is a Spirit. It follows therefore that love is a spiritual seed which can only be planted in your heart through spiritual engagements of word study, prayers, and fasting and positive confessions (Jn.4:24, Mk.9:29, Rom.5:5). And as you seek to keep your sheepfold together, your life becomes dignified. You also become an example to other families and husbands.


  • Father, in the name of Jesus, empower me not to abandon my wife and children.
  • Father, in the name of Jesus, fill my heart with the Spirit of love and compassion.
  • Father, in the name of Jesus, empower me to walk victoriously over the flesh.


I refuse to abandon my wife and children rather I am committed to always be with them and in all situations because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.

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Published inDaily Devotionals


  1. Michael Michael

    Once this happens and you have found that you have abandoned them. How do you get back? How do you win their trust back? How do you ever get them to trust you again?

    This has taken a great toll on me. My marriage has struggled after this and so has my relationship with my children. My wife holds so much bitterness in her heart now. Since this we have not been to church in over a year. My wife holds a grudge against all churches and I also believe against God. This has been one of the hardest battles of my life and I don’t seem to be able to get back to where I once was.

    • J. Williams J. Williams

      Micheal I am in a similar situation, I’m finding that seeking Gods advice on and actually applying it is the answer.
      Even if they don’t seem to come around and if your wife rolls her eyes and your kids are moody, please stick to the process. I believe you got this and I Pray that your family is restored stronger than ever.

    • Thehusbandman Thehusbandman

      Goodday Michael.

      Trust that you are fine. I have read your report and I am glad to let you know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. God has restored your wife and children and marriage and has broken the power of bitterness and grudge. Tow things you must do and keep on doing

      1. Stick to the word of God, no matter what.
      2. Pray the word of God and keep declaring it.

      Now these are the prayers I would ask you to pray and keep declaring

      1. Ask the Lord Jesus for mercy
      2. Ask the Holy Spirit to take away every root of anger , unforgiveness and bitterness and fill them with the heart of love.
      3. Plead the blood of Jesus against every stronghold of the enemy in and around your life, family and marriage.
      4. Ask the Lord Jesus to restore your wife, children and home back.
      5. Keep thanking God for answered prayers.

      Get the works done on your knees and first in the spirit and watch it impact their lives physically.

      I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that everything that has been lost in your relationships, marriage and family is restore now. I agree with you that your desire to get back the trust and confidence of your marriage.

      God bless you and continue to give you grace to keep the the process until you are established in your home with your wife and children in peace, love, joy and compassion.

      Remain ever blessed.

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