Main Scriptures: Heb. 4:12-14
More Scriptures: Ps. 12:6, 2 Pt.1:7, Jas.3:7
If there is anything you must desire as the head of your family, it is the word of God. It is the source and sustainer of your life as the godly man, husband and father. For the WORD OF GOD is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow and is a discerned of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb.4:12). I have come to discover that as the head of the family and the shepherd and husbandman of your sheepfold, the greatest material investment you can sow into the lives of your wife and children is the seed of the WORD OF GOD. The word of God is the most powerful seed you can plant into the life- sand of your wife and children.
God’s word is able to bring the positive changes you want to see in your wife and children, and not your money, material or fame. In Heb.4:12, the Scripture describes God’s word as powerful. Do you have a wife who is disrespectful, dishonest or unhospitable? Do you also have children who seem to continue to walk in immorality and indiscipline? God’s word is the answer and not malice, shouting or physical assault. Your wife and children cannot resist the force of the word of God. You can subdue them by the power in the word of God. You can also drive away ungodly influences in and around their lives through the power of God’s word.
But how do I achieve this? Firstly, you must trust the word of God to be true, powerful and alive. What you don’t trust, you can’t follow. Secondly, maintain consistency in sowing the word. It is the person who endures to the end that will be saved. A lot of the times, you are wont to be discouraged with the results you see in the lives of your wife and children despite the word of God you have believed. Don’t give up on the word of God and the positive changes you pray to see in your wife and children. Thirdly, you must be hopeful in the word of God. Hope is what gives strength to your faith that your wife and children can be better. Fourthly, you must be watchful over the surrounding where you may have planted the word of God. Just the same way environment determines the survival and healthy growth of a seed, so it is with the word of God. And as you commit to taking up these responsibilities of seeding God’s word into the lives of your wife and children, you would have created an enduring legacy for your family. Your name and family would become an agent of trans-generational blessings (Gen.12:1-3). You will also enjoy the peace of God that passes all understanding and joy in the Holy Ghost. You will enjoy the soundness of mind. You will not have any reason to be depressed or to regret your headship as a husbandman.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, empower me to sow Your words into the lives of my wife and children.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, let Your word bring positive changes to the lives of my life and that of my wife and children.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, empower me to not give up on You and Your word.
I sow the seed of God’s word into the lives of my wife and children as the good and godly husband because that is what brings the changes I desire to see in them Jesus name. Amen.
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