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Main Scriptures: Gen.1:26-28

More Scriptures: Mal.2:14, Eph.5:22, 1Pt.3:7

Have you ever purchased something very precious and expensive? If you have, you will notice something striking about the instruction by the manufacturer to the person who buys it. You will see something that reads like this, HANDLE WITH CARE”. The manufacturer understands the delicate nature of the good, so you are given notice ahead so that you can enjoy the item and get value for your money. Another reason is that if you mishandle it or manhandle the item, you will not only lose the value, but you will also lose the item, sometimes permanently.

Now, this is what the Person of the Holy Spirit is telling you, the head of your family and the spiritual authority over your wife and children-handle your wife and children with utmost care. If you mishandle them, you may lose them to satan, sin and world. Your wife and children are precious in the sight of God, so you must see them in that light. God took His time to form your wife and children. He exercised diligent care and precision when He formed your wife and children. And after He had made them, the Scripture says, and He saw that everything that He has created was VERY GOOD (Gen.1:26). God did not give you a bad wife or children. He gave you a very good wife and wonderful children (Is.8:18-19). If there is anything bad about them, you are principally responsible for it. You cannot maltreat your wife and children and expect to reap their values and respect for you. Even if it seems you are enjoying them now, sometime in the future, they will disintegrate and rebel against you. Take a cue from the glass cup. Once mishandled and broken, it is lost.

But how do I handle my wife and children with utmost care? Firstly, you must treat them with respect and honour (1Pet.3:7). If you honour them, they will reciprocate and honour you in return. If you respect them, they will also respond in the same measure, because whatever a man sows that is what he will reap. Secondly, you must not abuse or think evil of them. The Bible says that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. If your heart is full of evil thoughts toward your wife and children your life will gravitate to be mean, ungodly, unkind and hurtful to them. Another way you can handle your wife and children with care is to see them as the express image of God rather than pieces of furniture. If you see them as gifts from God, you will treat them the same way God would. And as you handle your wife and children with utmost care, your life will continue to count positively today and in the future.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, teach me how to be diligent in handling my wife and children.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, help me to honour my wife and children as You would.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, help me not to take Your grace for granted.


I am the good and Godly shepherd to my wife and children and I handle them with utmost care as precious seeds because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.

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