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Main Scriptures: Gen.29:31

More Scriptures: Mk.9:29, Jn.10:10, 2Cor.5:17

Let us take the thirteenth capsule.


And when the Lord saw that Leah was hated, He opened her womb, but Rachel was barren. (Gen.29:31)

Let me start by saying that only God gives conception and not the virility of your sperm or your wife’s womb. This is so important because many husbandmen have lost their place in their sheepfold because they did not know that only God empowers their fruitfulness. Many husbandmen have blamed their wives for lack of conception while many more have abandoned their sheepfold.

If you read the Scripture in Genesis chapter 29 and verse 31, you will discover the place of God in making you and your wife to be fruitful. Until God breathes on your sperm and the womb of your wife, conception cannot take place. So, if you are reading this devotional and your wife has conceived or you are already a father, then give glory to God because He made it possible for you. But if you have a challenge with conception, don’t attack your wife. Don’t attack your in-laws. Don’t attack your neighbours. Don’t take solace in the cover of another woman. Rather, contend with the devil because he is the problem.  The thief cometh not but to steal, to kill and to destroy but I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly (Jn.10:10).

So, how do I make this capsule effective in my life and for the benefit of my wife? The first is for you to have a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. This is important. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things have passed away, behold all things have become new (2 Cor.5:17). There may be mistakes you and your wife may have made in the past. There could also be some decisions you made in the past that satan is holding against you today. Whatever you or your wife may have done wrong in the past, new birth with Jesus Christ, cancels the judgement and gives you mercy. Secondly, you engage your mind with the Bible, anointed books, messages and friends to stir your faith in God. Thirdly, engage the weapon of prayer and fasting. This kind goeth not forth except by prayer and fasting. (Mk.9:29). When your conception is being challenged by the devil, don’t fold your arms and watch. Don’t accept defeat. Rise up in the name of Jesus Christ and come against satan’s devices. Finally, declare your faith in God and His promises-your expectation of making your wife to conceive. By faith, the elders obtained good report (Heb.11:2). Don’t speak fear rather speak faith. Don’t believe the doctor’s report rather believe God’s report. Walk in the fullness of God’s verdict for your bodily fruitfulness. God is sure to deliver immediately what He says He will do, including your fruitfulness. Do you see hope? Do you see breakthrough? Halleluyah!!!!!


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, forgive us for our past mess and mistakes and let Your mercy prevail.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, give us conception and make us joyful parents indeed.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, I break every device of the enemy set against our fruitfulness.


I acknowledge the power of God to make us fruitful and I receive our fruitfulness now in His name because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.

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One Comment

  1. Jai Jai

    ???? I have a problem with this capsule as a physician and as a believer. The Lord has blessed my wife and i with 2 beautiful healthy children…but we did have a miscarriage between the two..We prayed for the health and the possibilities of having another child according to his Will and it was revealed that yes…we would have another child…this devotional does well with showing that we should cast our cares, concerns, and desires before God but when it comes to fertility and conception i think we have to be careful on putting the success or lack thereof on the basis of what we may have done or past or current sins. Because it gives the impression that some people may not be able to conceive Because of something they have done or Because of past sins…yes i agree that God holds the final key on breath of life for conception but to have that opportunity or lack of it is according to His Will and not always tied into our past sin or current sins…..Some couples will try to have children and not be able to not Because of their own past, level of faith, sins of past but Because it was not God will…Having things or not having things in our life does play a part in pur choices but careful to attribute God blessing or withholding things all tied into our actions alters the purity of His Grace and Mercy which is never tied into what we have done or else it would downgrade God love to our level and we know His love supercedes our level of Love…God’s is unconditional Agape..ours is conditional

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