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Main Scriptures: John 10:9-11

More Scriptures: Est.7:6, 1Tim.5:14, 1Pt.5:8

As the good shepherd over your sheep, your wife and children are not your enemies. Your sheep are not the mountain or obstacle on your path to success. The devil is. Infact, he is your greatest enemy. He is your hindrance. But who shall fight this enemy? I am glad to inform you that you are the one to fight him. You are the person to provide cover for your wife and children and your sheepfold and keep satan and all its influences at a distance.

Now, to ring-fence something means to protect. So, you can protect your sheep and sheepfold from the movement and influence of satan, your adversary.  The misbehavior of your wife or children is rooted in the operation of the devil. Satan is the person instigating and influencing them to do the things that you don’t like. If you read the message of Jesus Christ, the perfect example of the good and godly husbandman, He tells us that the devil has come to steal, kill and destroy (Jn.10:10). Whenever you notice ugly or ungodly traits from your wife and children, recognize that they are being influenced by the satan, sin and the world. It is spiritual corruption. All the troubles you are having with your wife and children are intended by the devil to destroy your glorious family life. God has ordained your home and family to be a garden of honour and blessing. This is why the Scriptures tell us that our fight is not against flesh and blood, but it is against principalities and powers in dark and high places.

You must understand that as the head of the family and overseer of your wife and children, your position will be continually threatened by the devil. He is afraid that your godly influence would lead your wife and children to heaven and make them positive influences on the earth. If you have this understanding, you will not confront your wife and children. Rather, you would confront the devil, your enemy. Beating up your wife, denying her your good benevolence, becoming harsh and unfriendly with your children as a result of their unwarranted misbehavior is not the solution. It is not God’s way to bringing them to godly path.

However, instead of beating your wife and children, deal ruthlessly with the devil, the instigator of bad behaviours. But how do I beat the enemies of their souls? You beat the enemy by taking your wife and children up in prayers and fasting (Lk.18:1). This means you engage the weapon of heartfelt intercession. This will deliver your wife and children from ungodly habits and attitudes. Prayer remains your most potent weapon to keep your position as the head of the family intact and the lives of your wife and children in perfect peace. Therefore, the next time your wife and child misbehave, bind the devil and its operations rather than curse your wife and children.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to deal with satan, the enemy of the soul of my wife and children.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, reveal to me the trick of the devil that is responsible for my wife and children’s ungodly attitude and misbehaviour.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, hear my prayer and give me victory whenever I pray for my wife and children.


I am more than a conqueror in Jesus, and I stand upon this truth to ring-fence my wife and children and sheepfold and keep the activities of satan out of my sheep and sheepfold because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.

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