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Main Scriptures: Ps.51:10-17

More Scriptures: Rom.12:21, Col.3:19, Eph.4:31

Let me start by saying that until you are broken as a shepherd, you will never attain the fullness of the potential that God has deposited inside you. As the head of your family and a leader who desires to be like Jesus Christ to his wife, children and the people around, are you broken or bitter when your sheep points your error to you? Do you receive the correction and admonition from God and His word with joy? Do you also receive correction from your wife and children with gladness of heart and with full responsibility or you become offended in your sheep?

This is so important for every husbandman who desires to be good and godly. God wants a broken shepherd rather than a puffed up, proud and arrogant husbandman. Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God thou wilt not despise. (Ps.51:10,17).

God is more interested in your brokenness than your sacrifices because your brokenness gives Him the opportunity to mould you and make you to be like Him to your wife and children and the world. It is true that your sheep may not be as educated as you are. Your sheep may also not be as exposed and experienced and knowledgeable as you are. However, you must understand that they have something to offer you that will make your life better. The Scripture says, out of the mouth of babes and suckling shall proceed forth strength (Ps.8:2). Your sheep may not make sense when they point out your errors but if you are sensitive, you would note the wisdom in their corrections.

So how do I become broken and not bitter towards my sheep when I am corrected? The first step is for you to pray to God to stir up the power of His mind in you so that He can instruct you. The Scripture has this to say. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ (1Cor.2:16). The second step is for you to make Jesus Christ the Lord over your life, and this includes your spirit, soul, body, finances, relationships, emotions, and will. In Acts of the Apostles chapter 10, the word of God says the word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all (Acts 10:36). When Jesus Christ becomes the Lord over all that you have and know, it becomes easier for you to accept His corrections and the corrections of your wife and children. Thirdly, you must continue to resist the tradition and culture of the world and be ruled by what the word of God says. And as you learn to be broken and stay humble in God’s eyes, God will elevate you and make you the good and godly husbandman to your wife and children.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, I surrender all to You for You to have my all.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from the culture and tradition of the world contrary to Your word.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, help me to acknowledge my mistakes and empower me to correct them.


I surrender my all to God, my Father, so that He can teach me how to function as the good and godly husbandman to my wife and children in Jesus Name. Amen.

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