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Main Scriptures: Micah 6:1

More Scriptures: Prov.17:6, Eph.5:23, Jos.24:15

Please make these bold declarations before you start reading. “I fight for my home, I fight for my sheepfold, I fight a good fight, I am victorious”.

Let me begin by establishing some Biblical truths from the word of God. The first is that God has handed over the kingdom of every sheepfold to the shepherd and not the sheep (Eph.5:23, Gen.2:15-18). And by this ordination, the shepherd is the head, the king and the custodian of the sheep and the sheepfold. Secondly, if anything goes wrong with the sheep and the sheepfold, God will hold the shepherd accountable (Gen.3:8-11). This understanding and truth needs to be sounded loudly because there has been this erroneous teaching that it is the wife who oversees the home, hence she fights to keep her home. Any wonder we continue to have an ever-increasing number of uncaring, depressed, irresponsible, and foolish husbandmen around us today. So, you are both the physical as well as the spiritual leader of your sheep and sheepfold. Secondly, the life of your wife has been absorbed into your own life as her husband by reason of marriage (Gen.3:16). You are her custodian. Thirdly, the glory of your children is your crown (Pro.17:6). It is therefore, your godly and righteous responsibility to nurture them in the way of the Lord (Jos.24:15, Eph.6:4). With this established truth from the Bible, it is evident that you are the head of your family. You have the primary responsibility to fight and keep fighting for the preservation and sustenance of your family kingdom.

I want you to read the word of God in Micah 6:1, slowly and with focus. Hear ye now what the Lord saith, ARISE, CONTEND thou before the mountains and let the hills hear thy voice (Micah 6:1). But how do I arise and fight for my family? The principal way you contend is in prayers. The Scripture says let the hills hear your voice. After you have arisen, which is a mark of taking responsibility, you engage the twin forces of prayer and fasting (Mk.9:29). Secondly, you must be determined in your heart to succeed as the godly husbandman (Dan.1:8). Also, you must be willing and ready to take full responsibility for the lives of your wife and children. You are their shepherd and they are your sheep. It is your duty to keep them just the same way Jesus Christ, our Perfect example of the good and godly husbandman, kept all that His Father committed into His hands (John 10:28-29). And as you arise and contend, you are stronger together with your wife and children in winning the battles of life (Ecc.4:9-10). You also enjoy fulfillment and enriching fellowship with God and your wife and children (Ezk.34:23-26). 


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to contend for the safety of my sheepfold.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, grant me supernatural strength to overcome every invincible barrier in my family fold.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, give me supernatural victories in all my battles.


I use the sword of the Spirit to fight for the safety and security of my wife, children and sheepfold because that is what makes my position valuable as the good and godly husband in Jesus name. Amen.

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