Main Scriptures: Ps.133:1-2
More Scriptures: 1Tim.1:12, Ps.23:1, Jn.10:28
As the head of the family, God has ordained you to lead your wife and children in the fear of the Lord. However, you need empowerment to carry out your leadership function effectively and maximally. A lot of husbandmen are operating below their capacities because of the lack of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. And when the husbandman lacks the anointing, he begins to make foolish decisions which may adversely affect his wife and children. A lot of husbands want to live the life of God and allow God to live His life through them, but somehow, they cannot explain why they are doing the contrary. For instance, you know that to love your wife and children is the right thing to do. But you suddenly discover that you are finding it very difficult to love them. The anointing oil, which represents the Spirit of God, is the carrier of the power of God for every husbandman who wants to reign as a king in his family. The anointing is what gives you credibility and power to command respect and honour from your wife and children. How much influence you can exert upon your family is determined by how much of God’s life is at work in you.
As the head of the family and spiritual leader in the home, the anointing of God on your life should solve any friction that you may have with your wife and children, because the Spirit of God is the Wisdom of God. And when you operate on the frequency of the wisdom of God, you will be able to handle every challenge that comes your path, even as you lead your wife and children. So, if you observe that you cannot resolve issues that arise between your wife and yourself, without telling everyone including your family members, then you lack the oil to lead your wife and children. You are the spiritual leader of your home. You carry in the inside of you the very life of God, which is divine wisdom personified. However, for you to get the anointing and keep it flowing on your head with power, you must do the following as a way of life.
Firstly, you must return to God by making your ways right with Him. This means you must have a quality relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. Secondly, you must ask the Person of the Holy Spirit, desperately and passionately, to impart You with His anointing. And you do this through intense prayer of supplication. Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to you (Matt.7:7). If you want to enjoy your position as the head of the family, you must be a man of prayer. Prayer is one of the principal ways you generate power to function as the godly husbandman. And when you engage yourself in prayer, you will begin to enjoy the numerous benefits of being the good and godly husbandman.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, and by Your Spirit, deliver me from every power of sin and pride.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, and by Your Spirit, anoint my head afresh for fresh unction to function as the godly man, husband and father.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus and by Your Spirit, help me to be faithful in my office.
I am anointed by the Person of the Holy Spirit, and I function maximally in my capacity as the good and godly husbandman to my wife and children in Jesus name. Amen.
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This devotion i just read hit smack dead in my spirit! Thank you for this…im on my way!!