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Scripture: Genesis 2:5

More scriptures: Jn.5:39, Jn.6:63, 2Tim.2:15

The husbandman is a mechanic. He is ordained by God to fix challenges and not run away from them. As the head of your family and the spiritual leader in your family kingdom, your true worth is in your ability to resolve and overcome challenges that you may arise between you and your wife, children or in your sheepfold. And this is what births testimonies in your life and inspires your wife and children to follow you, respect and honour you.

And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew, for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground (Gen.2:5). God could not send the rain because there was nobody to fix the land. And as a result God in Gen.2:15, the Scripture says that, and the Lord God took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden, to DRESS it and to KEEP it.

Just as your mechanic fixes your car when it develops faults is the same way God has wired you to solve problems. There is no challenge between you and your wife and children that you cannot resolve by the power of God’s word. And do you know the more problems you are able to solve, the faster you mature in the things of the spirit and grow in leadership as the good and godly husbandman.

But how do I fix the problems that are confronting me now? First, you must appreciate that the challenges are real and can be solved. Secondly, you have to sit with your Bible and place the challenges side by side the word of God and locate relevant scriptures that talk about the matter. When you have identified the right words from Scriptures, then you start to war in prayers with the truth that you have discovered from God’s Word, the Bible. Thirdly, you keep confessing your victories. If you follow these steps in faith, you will find the challenges resolved and dissolved.

You can fix that disobedient wife and children. You can fix that health challenge in your family. You can fix that hate, distrust and disrespect manifesting in your family. No matter the challenge, you can fix it well because you have the mind of Christ. You are the true reflection of the wisdom of God and He has empowered you to triumph in all areas of your life.


•           Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to become a solution agent to my wife, children and the world.

•           Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me with Your wisdom to resolve every challenge

•           Father, in the Name of Jesus, fill me with courage to lead my sheep, victoriously.


I am a solution agent to my wife, children, family and the world because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.

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