Main Scripture: Joshua 24:14-16
More scriptures: Matt. 12:34, Rom.12:2-3, Deut.34:9
As the head of your family and the spiritual leader in your home, how much protection do you give to your mind? How much attention do you give to the thoughts you allow into your heart? What is the spiritual health of your mind? Is your heart and mind being renewed daily by the washing of the water by the word of God? Is your mind being attacked by devilish thoughts or by good thoughts? God by His Spirit is calling you today to set and protect your mind with all watchfulness.
Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life (Pro.4:25).
But why should I keep diligent watch over my mind as the good and godly husbandman? It is for this simple reason that your mind is the place where ideas, thoughts suggestions are processed. And once those thoughts which come in form of seeds are fully processed and accepted, they influence they way you act and respond. The decision to do what is right or wrong starts in your mind. If you want to get it right with your conduct and values, then get it right from your mind.
Joshua was a husbandman whose mind was healthy and filled with the life of God. When God commanded Moses to hand over the rein of leadership to Joshua, it was because of the state of Joshua’s mind. Joshua’s heart was right before God and man. In Deuteronomy 34:9, the bible described the mind of Joshua as a mind full of the wisdom of God (Deut.34:9). And in verse 15 of Joshua chapter 24, he said as for me and my family we will serve the Lord and the people answered yes to serve the true God 9Jos.24:15). Your mind is the seat of your well being. For out of what you have deposited in your mind, you take decisions that affect your wife, children, family, business and career, either positive or negative. It is what goes into your mind that determines what comes out of you. It is often said that whatever you feed grows and whatever you starve dies. Your thoughts are seeds; whether positive or negative. Every thought that you allow into your mind can either grow or die. No thought grows into a lifestyle until it is fed. And no thought dies until it is starved.
Therefore, as the good and godly man, husband and father, you must feed your mind with thoughts that are in line with God’s word and starve those contrary to God’s word. This will help you to live a triumphant life that will bring joy to your family. Those thoughts of evil against your wife and children and family can be starved. Those thoughts of sexual immorality and financial impropriety can be starved. Those thoughts are self-centered can be starved. Those beautiful thoughts of love, faith, hope and compassion for your family can be nurtured. Those thoughts of purity and righteousness can grow into an oak of righteousness. But for you to guard your mind, you must mind what you watch, what you hear, and whom you take advice and counsel from.
• Father, in the Name of Jesus, set a watch over my mind and let it conform to Your will.
• Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from ungodly thoughts.
• Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to feed my mind with right thoughts.
I have the mind of Christ and live His life for all to see and glorify God because that is my heritage as the good and godly man, husband and father in Jesus name. Amen.
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