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Main Scriptures: Genesis 2:14-18

More Scriptures: Eph.5:23, Ps.133:2, Phil.2:3

Few days ago in Nigeria, the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) graduated some officers and the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, commissioned them as officers in the Nigerian armed forces. This singular event gives these officers the power and authourity to lead others and I want us to relate it to your position as the head of your family.

The day you realized that it was not good for you to be alone and you chose to be married is the day God commissioned you as the leader in your sheepfold and empowered you to lead your wife and children. So, it is not man that empowered you to lead your sheep. It is God and He has provided all the resources you require to succeed as the good and godly shepherd. But what is the principal purpose for making you the leader in your family government and not your wife or children?

For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment, that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him (Gen.18:19).  The ultimate of God’s desire for you as the leader is to lead and make your wife and children to be like Jesus Christ.

There are many husbandmen, who are not sure of their leadership position, while others feel very threatened. In Gen.2:14-18, God committed the family into the hands of the husbandman, Adam for two simple reasons-to dress and to keep. That is authority or better still a license to oversee his family kingdom. God has given you the same right. And to prove that you are indeed in charge, He described you as the head of the family (Ep.5:23). From the day you took your lovely wedded wife to be your bride was the day you obtained the license to lead her. And the day you became a father, you also assumed leadership responsibility over your children.

However, it is very important for you to understand the sign posts of effective godly leadership. One of such sign posts is humility. The reason there is so much debate about whether husbandmen are leaders or not is because too many shepherds have not been selfless in service. Yes, God has called you to lead your wife and children, but your leadership is about servanthood. In Phil.2:3, the Scriptures encourages us not to say or do anything out of selfish ambition or vain deceit, but in humility considering others better than yourselves (NIV). If you sincerely put this verse of Scripture into practice and in the fear of God, it will solve more problems between him and his wife than anything else.

Your wife and children crave for your godly leadership. Make God proud for the investments He has made in your life by making you the head of your family.


•           Father, in the Name of Jesus, make me useful to my wife and children and Your kingdom

•           Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to provide good and godly leadership to my wife and children.

•           Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from being slothful as I lead my wife and children.


I take responsibility to lead my wife and children in the way and admonition of the Lord Jesus Christ because that is what makes me the good and godly man, husband and father in Jesus name. Amen.

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