Scripture: Ezk.34:12
More scriptures: Lk.15:4-5, Joel.2:2, Ezk.30:3
As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered, so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day (Ezk.34:12).
When someone is in distress or danger, he or she will ordinarily call the security emergency lines in his or her area. The essence is to get help to be free from the distressing situation. This is who you are as the good and godly shepherd in the lives of your wife and children. God has called you to seek out and rescue your sheep whenever they are in trouble.
From our main text today, God is telling you that you are to rescue every member of your sheepfold, that is your wife and children, from any form of distress. If you read the account of the husbandman, Abraham, in Genesis chapter 14, you will find out that when the news got to him that his brother’s son had been kidnapped, he organized a specialized army and rescued his nephew from the oppressors. The God who empowered this husbandman to come to the rescue of his nephew has also empowered you to do the same for your wife and children (Lk.10:19).
God has made you head of the family so that you can come to the aid of your wife or children when they are in trouble. For instance, when your wife is being molested by the devil, either physically or spiritually, whose emergency line does she call? Can she get a quick response from you? When your child calls your number in times of distress, can he or she get a quick response of help from you? You must understand that God did not make you the husbandman only to provide what they will eat, drink, wear or live. Your responsibilities are much more than that. Very importantly, you are there to defend them. I believe the Holy Ghost is telling a reader of this devotional that you must respond to the travails of your wife and children, who are in distress. Don’t allow them to die. Find out what the problems are and help them, whether or not they are the cause of the problem (Ps.23:1).
But how do I respond when they call me for help? You respond by declaring in faith, God counsel over the matter wherein they are being distressed. This means that you must be abundantly filled with God’s word and not the empty words of man ( Jn.6:63, 2Tim.2:15). You cannot give what you don’t have, hence if you don’t have God’s word inside of you, you can do nothing. As I have always said, that a wordless shepherd is a powerless husbandman. Every situation has its own word in the Bible. Keep your emergency number opened and be the rescue agent for your wife and children.
• Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to function like the good and godly shepherd to my wife and children.
• Father, in the Name of Jesus, hear me when I call and give us ceaseless victory.
• Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to speak boldly of Your power to all obstacles.
I love the word of God and dwell on the power therein because that is the weapon for victory for me as the good and godly shepherd in Jesus name. Amen.
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