Bible Texts: Mic.3:8, Lk.10:17-19, Gen.32:28, 2Sam.22:33, Ac.1:8, Mk.9:29, Lk.18:1, Matt.7:7, Jer.33:3
Let me begin by saying that every good and godly husbandman is man full of power. He is a carrier of God’s power for the benefits of his life and that of his wife and children. The life of Christ inside of you as the good and godly husbandman is what empowers you to function as a man of authority and influence.
As the head of your family, God has entrusted you with supernatural power to make decrees. According to Scriptures, the word of God says, and ye shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass….. You can speak to everything and any mountain in your life and that of your wife and children and the obstacles will be leveled. It is not because of you but because of the power of God that is resident in you through new birth in Christ Jesus. By this same power you can decide what you want to see happen in your life and in the lives of your wife and children, and what you do not want. So, the choice is yours. You can either exercise the power of God or allow it to be dormant. That is the whole message in Micah 3:8 and Lk10:19.
When God called you to lead your wife and children, he knew that there will be mountains to overcome, obstacles to upturn and enemies to triumph over. So, whatever you are going through today in the administration of your family kingdom as the head of the family, can be surmounted.I had shared this personal testimony in the past and I want to share it now to reinforce what the power of God represents.
Some years ago, my second child accidentally drank pesticide that was left on the floor in the kitchen. Just when my wife walked into the kitchen she saw the incident and screamed. She called my attention and when I open the mouth of my child I could perceive the smell of the pesticide. I held my child in my arm and decreed the power of God to neutralize the effect of the poison. We did not call the doctor or visit the hospital. And to the glory of God she was and has continued to be hale and hearty since then. Imagine if I did not exercise the power of God in me as the head of the shepherd over the sheep. The story would have been different. She may have died.
As the head of the family, God has given you power to provide security, succor, anchor and protection for your wife and children. Your headship does not only make you a provider, it also makes you a carrier of power and authority. In Luke 10:19, the Scriptures say I have given YOU AUTHORITY over all the power of the enemies. You have authority over that sickness that is troubling your wife and children. You can stop that harassment of the enemy against your home. You must walk in this reality. Stop watching your wife and children suffer. Stop watching the devil mess your peace, friendliness and joy between in your home and between you and your wife and children. Go on the offensive. Exercise the authority of God in you. Don’t fail God. Act like the power-carrying husbandman.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to exercise all Your authority in me for the good of my wife, children and home.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me with supernatural faith and help me to do great exploits.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to reign over the challenges confronting my wife, children and home.
I exercise the authority of Jesus Christ in me over every negative and unpleasant challenge in and around my sheepfold and my wife and children because that is what I need to express my headship as the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.
The devotional IN TUNE WITH GOD© is published by The Husbandman Mission International, Headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria.
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Jesus Christ is Lord over all.
Bro. Ebenezer O. Igure
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