Bible Texts: Jn.15:1-5, 1Pet.5:6, Jn.14:26, Jas.4:10, Matt.5:14-16, Rom.12:1-3, Heb.12:2, Rom.12:21, Rom.5:5
Like the apprentice who wants to learn a trade and become good at it, where is the place to learn about the works of the good and godly husbandman? And who shall the husbandman go to learn from? These are important questions you and I must ask ourselves and find answers to because the will of God is that you and I turn out to be the good and godly husbandmen.
Now, let us find out the place to look to for our learning towards becoming the good and godly husbandman.
Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith……(Heb.12:1-2).
The word of God is the arena where you can learn the art of becoming the good and godly husbandman and Jesus Christ is the Person from whom you can learn all that you need to know to function as the good and godly man, husband and father. Jesus Christ is the perfect example of the good and godly husbandman. He represents how the godly man should behave-having deep fellowship with the Father; how the godly husband should be-loving the world inspite of its failings; how the godly father should be-providing for and protecting the sheep.
But what attitude must you have if you want to learn at the workshop of God and the Master, Jesus Christ? Firstly, you must have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Jesus speaking says, you must be born again (Jn.3:3-7, 2Cor.5:17). Secondly, you must be willing and obedient (Is.1:19). Thirdly, you must be humble in your spirit because until you accept that you do not know and desperate to learn, you will not enjoy the grace that makes learning enjoyable. Finally, you must run with patience. The Scripture says, …..with patience run the race that is set before you (Heb.12:1b).
Every skill, knowledge, information and character traits you require to excel as the godly man, husband and father is in Jesus Christ and in His word. So, if you want your life and the lives of your wife and children and the people around you to notice the life of Jesus in you, you must deliberately sign up for apprenticeship with Jesus Christ.
But why must I learn at the feet of Jesus Christ and from His word? You are made in His image and likeness and you sit with Him in heavenly places (Gen.1:26-28). What this means is that you cannot be far from Him and expect to function like the godly man, husband and father. You must be in Him and He lives in you. Jesus Christ also has all the keys and answers that will make you win every challenge you may have in your life and with your wife and children. The word of God tells us this much. For I am the way, the truth and the life (Jn.14:6). The more you know Him and His ways, the more empowered you become to think, act, conduct and respond to the demands of your role as the godly husbandman.
The Master Teacher, Jesus Christ is ever ready and prepared to accept and teach you as His apprentice. He said so in Jn.14:26. I will send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. He will teach you all things…. (Jn.14:26). So, make a choice today to renew your apprenticeship with Jesus Christ and become like Him to your wife and children.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, pour upon me the spirit of humility and obedience.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, give me a willing and a teachable spirit and help me to learn Your ways.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to trust You and Your instructions and help me to act them truthfully.
I give myself to learn at the feet of Jesus Christ and in His word because that is what empowers me to be like Him and be victorious as the good and godly husbandman in Jesus Name. Amen.
The devotional IN TUNE WITH GOD© is published by The Husbandman Mission International, Headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria.
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Jesus Christ is Lord over all.
Bro. Ebenezer O. Igure
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