Fear thou not, for I am with thee ……..yea I will help thee…For I thy Lord will hold your thy right hand, saying unto thee, fear not, I will help thee. Fear not, thou worm of Jacob, and ye men of Israel, I will help thee (Is.41:10-14).
Rejoice, again I say rejoice (Philp.4:4)
Main Scriptures: Matt.19:5-8
More Scriptures: Mal.2:14, 1Pet.3:7, Is.3:10
Do you still remember the vows you made on your wedding day? Have you kept faith with the vows? Well, let us remind ourselves of the solemn vow we made before God and man. ……to love and cherish and in all circumstances.
But why would the Person of the Holy Spirit be reminding us of this vow?
The answer is that so many husbands have not kept the vow. While some husbands have relocated to the house of the strange woman, others have continued to deny their wives their due benevolence. It is important for husbands to note that they have been made in the image and likeness of God. What this means is that they have the nature of God in them. And Scripture tells us that God is love (1Jn.4:16). So if you have the seed of the love of God in your heart, you will truly and faithfully uphold and keep the marriage vow.
As the head of your family and the husband of your flock, God demands that you demonstrate His character towards your wife and children in all things. He wants you to be the Bible that they can read. In Ps.89, the Bible also tells us about the nature of God. It says, my covenant I will not break. God does not break promises. He is always faithful, no matter the level of our unfaithfulness. God will not become unfaithful because of man’s unfaithfulness.
As the head of the family, you must hold onto your vows, not because of your wife or children, pastor or parents, but because of God Almighty. If you truly fear and reverence God and you want to please Him, you will honour your marriage vow above everything else.
Has your wife cheated on you? Keep your vow of fidelity. Has your wife denied you food? Keep your vow of being the provider. Has she shown you disrespect and disregards? Keep your vow of honour and respect. God is not an unfaithful God. He knows your works and He rewards every diligent and faithful worker.
However, for you to remain steadfast in your vows despite the temptations and trials as the head of the family, you must keep guarding your heart from corruptible seeds and ungodly influences. Secondly, you must deliberately esteem your wife above all others. This means you place a high premium on her above rubies. And finally, seek the help of God in prayers to remain committed and steadfast to the vow because by strength shall no man prevail (1Sam.2:9).
- Father, by Your Spirit, strengthen me to uphold my vows to my wife.
- Father, deliver me from every trap and spirit of unfaithfulness.
- Father, show me mercy and let Your blood prevail over every presumptuous sin and ungodly influences.
I shall hold my marital vow in the fear and integrity of God because I want to strive and remain a good and godly husband to my wife in Jesus Precious name. Amen.
(Culled from IN TUNE WITH GOD devotional of Tuesday November 15, 2016)
Force of Change 2022/2023
Ps.95:1-7, Ps.89:1-3, Ps.85:1-3, Ps.103:1-10
Day 1
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, we thank You for the journey so far in the year 2022
- Father, in the Name of Jesus ,I thank You for the marvellous helps You extended to my family and I in the year 2022
- Father, in the Name of Jesus ,I worship Your holy name for answering my prayers in 2022
The devotional IN TUNE WITH GOD© is published by The Husbandman Mission International, Headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria.
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Jesus Christ is Lord over all.
Bro. Ebenezer O. Igure
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