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Bible Texts: Pro.29:18, Jer.1:10-11, Num.13:1-30, Philp.3:13-14, Matt.6:22, Is.8:18, Pro.31:25, Is.60:9, Ps.128:2-6, Eph.1:18-19, Rom.8:38-39

Where there is no vision, the people perish (Pro.29:18)

One important way the husbandman loses his passion to continue to lead his life, wife and children in the way and admonition of the Lord is when he is unable to see and focus on the big picture the Scripture has given. And because he cannot see the plans of God for him, as the man, husband and father and how it impacts on his wife and children, he becomes frustrated, discouraged and gives up.

But our main text today in Numbers chapter 13, tells us about the story of Joshua and Caleb who saw what God had planned for the people of Israel and focused on it as against the 12 spies who did not. These men were sent to spy the land that God had promised them. They spied the land and discovered that there were giants in the land and became frightful. But two men out of the 12 saw beyond the facts on ground. These men saw the almightiness of God through the giants. Joshua and Caleb gave a different report to the one who sent them, Moses, the prophet.

Joshua and Caleb said,

We are well more than able (Jos.13:30)

The negative circumstances around your wife and children may appear to be like those giants that the spies saw at the Promised Land. They may appear to be an impossible case to handle. But God is saying to you that you should not be moved by what you see. Look at the bigger pictures. There is nothing wrong with your wife and children.

Just the same way Joshua and Caleb did not focus on the fact but on the promises of God, you are expected to focus on the promises of God for your wife and children. God says in Isaiah chapter 8 and verse18 about His promise for your children. God says, the children God hath given to me, they are for signs and wonders in Israel (Is.8:18). So look beyond what is happening to your children now and see them as signs and wonders to their generation. In Proverbs chapter 31 and verse 25, God has this promise for your wife. Strength and honour are her clothing (Pro.31:25). God designed your wife for honour and not for shame and embarrassment. If you notice anything contrary, understand that satan, your adversary is at work (Jn.10:10). Your wife is an honorable woman. She is a woman of strength and dignity. Don’t let her present attitude take your eyes away from the bigger pictures.

Can you imagine what would have happened if the people of Israel had believed the report of the 10 spies rather than the reports of Joshua and Caleb? They could not have had the courage to possess the Promised Land, notwithstanding that God promised to give it to them.

God has designed you to enjoy your wife and children. There are great promises lined up for them. It is not a mistake that you married your wife or have children. God has programmed them for your blessing and your home to be full of precious things (Ezk.28:13). Don’t settle for anything less.

But how can I see and hold onto the bigger pictures?

You achieve it by holding on to the truth of God’s word tirelessly, trusting God and His promises, keep confessing His will daily and remain focused (Pro.3:5, Rom.10:10, Matt.6:22, Lk.18:1).


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, give me seeing eyes and hearing ears and empower me to focus only on Your promises.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, open my eyes to behold wondrous things from Your word for my life, wife and children.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, anoint me with fresh power, wisdom and might to trust Your promises above every other.


I have hearing ears and seeing eyes and my eyes of understanding are opened to see the promises of God for my life, wife and children and I remain focused on God’s plan because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.

The devotional IN TUNE WITH GOD© is published by The Husbandman Mission International, Headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria.


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Jesus Christ is Lord over all.

Bro. Ebenezer O. Igure

Head of Mission

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