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Saturday August 26, 2023

LET GO THE OLD AND PUT ON JESUS’S GARMENTBible Texts: Col.3:10-14, Matt.5:16, Mk.9:29, Jer.43:12, Ezk.18:7, Acts 1:1, Jos.1:6-8, 2Tim.2:15, 2Cor.5:17, Eph.5:25, Col.4:19, Eph.6:4, Num.6:22

There is a clarion call on the husbandman to wake up and follow after Jesus Christ, the good and godly husbandman. Now is the time for the husbandman to put away childish and ungodly behaviours and put on the garment of righteousness and good works because the times we are in require your light to shine before all men, bringing glory to God (Matt.5:14-16).

Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Seythian, bond nor free, but Christ is all, and in all. Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering, forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any, even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness (Col.3:11-14)

Reading from the Scripture above, you will see the virtues that God wants you to have, act and demonstrate as the husbandman. God wants you to put on mercies, kindness, humility of heart, meekness, patience, endurance, understanding, forgiveness, and love. These are the attitude that makes you the good and godly husbandman.

But do you why you have to possess and manifest these godly characters?

The first is that you are an ambassador of Christ in your home. Your wife and children see the Person of Jesus Christ through you. They understand Jesus’s personality and character through your conduct, response and reaction. The second is that you have the mind of Christ because you are now born again. When you confess your sins and accept Jesus Christ into your life, your old nature of revenge, unforgiveness, hatred, pride and impatient dies in Christ. You are translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Jesus Christ (Col.1:13). So, manifesting these virtues fit you as the godly husbandman. The third is that your wife and children are not perfect. They have their weaknesses as well as their strengths. They will make mistakes. They will make errors of judgment either innocently or intentionally. Just as God extends to you bowels of mercies, patience and forgiveness in your weaknesses and when you make mistakes, is exactly what He wants you to extend to your wife and children when they cross the lines.

But for you to be able to live out these virtues as the husbandman, you must give yourself to three important spiritual demands.

The first is that you must give attention to the study and meditation of the word of God. The more you read and think on the word of God, the more you become like Jesus Christ to your wife and children (Jn.5:39, Heb.12:2). Secondly, you must engage the weapon of prayer and fasting (Mk.9:29, Gal.4:19). These twin forces will help you to build spiritual capacity to subdue the temptation to act like satan and the world. Thirdly, you must keep confessing who you are in Christ (Rom.10:10, 2Cor.4:13). This means you must speak right words drawn from the word of God rather than speak words of condemnation and hopelessness.

Today, you must take off the old garment that does not fit your office as the husbandman and put on the new garment of Christ because that is what you represent as the good and godly husbandman.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, forgive me for conducting myself in ways that do not represent You in words, thoughts, response and reaction.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, put on me Your nature and let me manifest them in all areas of my leadership role as the husbandman.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to be like Jesus Christ in all that I think, say and do.


I put away the garment of unrighteousness and put on the virtues of Jesus Christ and manifest same as I lead myself, wife and children because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.


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Jesus Christ is Lord over all.

Bro. Ebenezer O. Igure

Head of Mission

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Published inDaily Devotionals

One Comment

  1. Josiah Akangbe Josiah Akangbe

    I am blessed. God bless you and your family mightily for these inspirational messages.
    Multiple grace, multiple knowledge and greater anointing sir.

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