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Bible Texts: 1Cor.3:1-3, 2Cor.9:7, Lk.6:48, Mal.3:10-14, Heb.13:8, Ps.1:1-4, Ps.23:1, 3Jn.1:2, Hag.1:17, Is.1:19, Pro.10:22, 2Cor.9:6-11

Welcome to the second day of this teaching and I pray that your eyes of understanding be enlightened that you may see the perfect plan for your life as the good and godly husbandman and diligently and delightfully take covenant responsibility to do your part.

Today, let us move a step forward. So how does God bless me financially when I give my financial or material seed?

Firstly, when you give, God speaks to you by the Holy Spirit and His word on what to do and how to go about it, which will lead you to success. In 1st Kings Chapter 3 and verse 1 to 3, after Solomon gave, God responded to his giving by speaking to him. God asked him to place a demand on what He would want Him to do for him. And because God has not changed, He stills speaks (Mal.3:6, Heb.13:8).

Secondly, when you give, God touches the hearts of men to gravitate towards you with their financial and material resources. The Scripture has this to say about that.

Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down shaking together and running over shall men give to your bosom…. (Lk.6:38)

The word of God says, so shall men give to your bosom. When you give your financial and material resources for the promotion of the work of God and the good of mankind, He touches the hearts of men to give to you. I have personal testimonies that validate this truth of God’s word on Luke chapter 6 and verse 38, which I had shared several times. Therefore, be a giver and delightsome one for that and watch God come through for you in your finances and other areas of your life pursuits (2Cor.9:6-8).

God wants to bless you in the land you are in right now. God wants to bless you in the country where you are in right now. You have giving your resources to advance the course of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the good of humanity. You have given to the poor and needy around you. You have sown your financial and material seed, however small, to those who are in need. Be willing and obedient to eat the good thereof (Is.1:19).


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, baptize me with the giving grace and make me to eat the good of the land.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to give willingly and cheerfully.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, help me to see, recognize and apply myself to the ways You want to bless me.


I am a giver and a channel of God’s blessings to humanity because that is what empowers me to continue to reign as the prosperous, good and godly husbandman in Jesus Name. Amen.

The devotional IN TUNE WITH GOD© is published by The Husbandman Mission International, Headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria

70 DAYS OF FASTING WITH PRAYERS (16th December 2023 to 23rd February 2024)



2Kgs.20:5, 2Chro.7:14, Ps.60:2, Is.57:19, Jer.17:14, Gen.20:17, Ex.15:26, Ps.147:3, Is.30:26, Mk.9:35, Gen.43:28, Pro.4:22, Jer.33:6, 3Jn:2, Ps.16:24, Lk.6:18

Day 33

  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver my body and soul from every wind of illness, disease and affliction
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, stabilize my blood pressure and deliver me from reoccurrence
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, render useless every arrow of sickness shot at my life by the enemy

Please, visit search for the title FORCE OF CHANGE 2023 and download the PRAYER & INTERCESSORY PRAYER GUIDE as well as other important information.

Jesus Christ is Lord over all.

Bro. Ebenezer O. Igure

Head of Mission

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