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Bible Texts: Heb.11:1-3, Hab.2:4, Rom.10:17, Heb.11:6, Mk.9:23, Rom.10:10, Jn.3:3-9, Rom.4:17, Gal.4:19, Jos.1:6-8, 2Thess.3:10, 1Tim.5:8, Heb.11:30-32

One of the greatest weapons available for you and I in our journey to becoming the good and godly husbandmen is faith in God and His word. It is an indispensable truth that gives value to our existence as men, husbands and fathers. Faith in God and His word is life.

The just shall live by faith……..( Hab.2:4)

The perfect will of God for you is to obey all His commandments and instructions because His commandments are for your good and it is to build you into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ, the perfect example of the good and godly husbandman (Deut.28:1). But you need faith to believe and act. And you can!

All things are possible to him that believeth (Mk.9:23)

When you live by faith, you can intercede for your wife, children and others, not withstanding what challenges they may be facing. You are also able to access the help of God that empowers you to provide for your household (1Tim.5:8, 2Thess.3:10). And above all, you are able to please God, leading you to succeed as the good and godly man, husband and father (Heb.11:6).

But for you to live by faith, you must have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ (Jn.3:3-9, 2Cor.5:17). Secondly, you must give attention to the word of God by studying it, thinking about what you have read (Jos.1:6-8, Ps.1:1-2, Rom.10:10, 17).Thirdly, you must engage the weapon of prayer and fasting as a lifestyle in order to enjoy supernatural empowerment to believe, obey and act on the word of God (Mk.9:29).

What has God said in His word for you as the husbandman? What have you discovered from the Scriptures about yourself as the man, husband and father? What did the word of God say about His plans for you as the husbandman? Whatever the word of God has said about you as the man, husband and father is true and faith in God and His word is what guarantee the fulfillment in your life as the good and godly husbandman.

Therefore, live by faith and not by fear!


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, open my heart to Your words and help me to receive Your instructions with gladness.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me with the Spirit of faith and destroy the spirit of fear.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to live by faith and not by fear.


I walk by faith and not by fear, fulfilling purpose as the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.

The devotional IN TUNE WITH GOD© is published by The Husbandman Mission International, Headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria

70 DAYS OF FASTING WITH PRAYERS (16th December 2023 to 23rd February 2024)



Ps.45:4, Gen.39:2, Gen.24:1, Gen.13:1, Job 8:6, Zech.8:12, Is.48:15, Job 36:11, Ps.35:27, Jer.22:21, Zech.1:17, Zech.7:7, 2Chro.22:11, 2Chro.26:5, Neh.2:20, Ps.1:3, Pro.17:8, 2Chro.14:7

Day 46

  • Father, in the Name of Jesus and by the power in the blood of Jesus, cancel every financial curse that has followed me all the days of my life
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus and by the power in the blood of Jesus, bring my family and I to our wealthy places
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, make us upwardly prosperous in silver and gold and let us abound unto every good works from 2024

Please, visit search for the title FORCE OF CHANGE 2023 and download the PRAYER & INTERCESSORY PRAYER GUIDE as well as other important information.

Jesus Christ is Lord over all.

Bro. Ebenezer O. Igure

Head of Mission

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