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Bible Texts: Gen.20:4-7, Job 22:28, Num.6:22-24, Deut.6:6-10, 1Sam.7:5, Job 42:8, 1Jn.5:16, Jn.10:10, Heb.11:1-6, Heb.11:32-33, Jer.33:3, Matt.7:7, 1Jn.4:17

Did you know that you are a prophet? Did you know that by the reason of the office of the husbandman which God has brought you into, you have the prophetic grace working in you?

Today, I want you to move a step higher in your journey to becoming the good and godly husbandman by entering and operating in the prophetic office as the husbandman. God has provided the office of the prophet for you to occupy and function in.

Now therefore restore the man (husband) his wife, FOR HE IS A PROPHET and he shall pray for thee and thou shalt live. (Gen.20:7)

The Scripture tells of a king who took the wife of Abraham (husbandman), forcefully because he thought that he was strong and mighty. But God appeared to him and commanded him to return Sarah to her husband, Abraham and qualified the reason why he must return the wife.

God said to the king, “restore to the man (Abraham) his wife (Sarah), for he (Abraham) is a PROPHET (Gen.20:7)”.

God called the husbandman, Abraham a prophet. And because you and I are seeds of Abraham through redemption, we have the grace to operate in the prophetic as Abraham did (Gal.3:10-14, 1Jn.4:17). Your position as the husbandman comes with prophetic grace. This means you can function powerfully as a prophet over your wife, children and home.

As a prophet, no one has the right to steal from you the health, peace, joy, strength, emotion, physical agility of your wife and children. Not even a king, not satan, not sin, not the world (Jn.10:10). As a prophet, you can pray for your sick wife or child, whether it is spiritual, emotional or physical, and they shall recover. You can decree God’s counsel over them in every area of their lives and it shall come to pass. You can decree peace and quietness over every storm between you and them, and there shall be great calm. You can reverse every negative tendency in their lives. You can break the power of satan, sin and the world, influencing ungodliness in their lives (Eph.2:2). You can also rescue them from those ungodly habits through the prophetic grace that is working in your life as the husbandman.

However, for you to operate in this glorious office, you must have a personal relationship with God, through His Son, Jesus Christ. You must be born again (Jn.3:3-7). You must also be conscious of the truth and walk in the light of Scriptures that you are a prophet, believe (faith) that you are a prophet and act like one by declaring boldly the full counsel of God as it is written in the word of God (Heb.11:32-33, Heb.11:6, Heb.11:1-3)

The prophetic office is your heritage in God through Jesus Christ. Activate this grace!


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to function maximally as a prophet over my wife, children and home.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, confirm every prophetic word that proceeds out of my mouth in the direction of my wife, children and home.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, increase my faith in You and Your word as I operate in the office of the prophet.


God has called me a prophet and now I am operating in the prophetic grace because that is what adds value to my calling as the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.


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Jesus Christ is Lord over all.

Bro. Ebenezer O. Igure

Head of Mission

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