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Bible Texts: Is.45:1-2, Jn.10:3, Lk.18:1, Gen.24:6-7, Mk.9:2, Is.55:4, Mk.9:29, Lk.18:1, Gal.2:19, Philp.2:13, Jer.35:14, Lk.10:19, Gal.4:19

Today, I want us to consider how you and I can have rest in the future by the weapon of prayers. And I want us to consider the Word of God from Isaiah chapter 45.

Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held, to subdue nations before him, and I will loose the loins of king, to open before him the two leaved gates and the gates shall not be shut. I WILL GO BEFORE THEE…………(Is.45:1-2)

God says, “I will go before you”. What does this mean to go before? Let me use something you can relate with in explaining what it means.

When a governor or president is scheduled to visit a place, a team is sent to go ahead of his arrival. This team ensures that the place the governor or president would visit is conducive and safe and it meets the expectation of an important personality. The team prepares the place to ensure the safety of the visiting governor or president. The governor or president arrives the venue, assured that he or she is safe and so enjoys his or her visit.

But why does this important personality have this comfort and assurance? It is because a team went before him or her to prepare the place. That is what God does for you and He wants you to do the same for your wife and children.

As the husbandman, you are ordained by God to go before your wife and children in prayers. You are to be in front, leading the way. You are to stand on the watchtower to see farther and better. This is an important assignment you have in addition to being a provider. God wants you to go before them.

But how do I go before them?

Men ought to always pray…..(Lk.18:1)

Principally, you go before them by engaging the prayer altar and by your conduct, which are your values and virtues. The husbandman Abraham went before Isaac, his son regarding his marital destiny by praying ahead for him (Gen.24:6-7). The values and virtues of the father of the house of Rechabites, Jonadab, went before them so that they were able to overcome the landmine of drunkenness (Jer.35:14).

You don’t wait for your children to get to a marriageable age before you start praying for their marital destiny. You don’t wait for them to graduate from school before you start running around seeking for employment for them or a business idea that they can run with. You can go ahead into their future to prepare a glorious landing for them by the weapon of prayer and intercession (Gal.4:19).

What happens if I go before my wife and children in prayers?

Firstly, you make straight the crooked path so that they can have a smooth sail in all their life’s pursuits.

Secondly, you pull down every barrier and remove every landmine that the enemy has laid on the way for them.

Personally and over the years I have prayed and I am still sowing the seed of prayers into every aspect of my wife and childrens’ future. And I am confident that they will enter into their rest spiritually, mentally, emotionally, financially, maritally, bodily, career and in all their life’s endeavours. And I will have rest and live a fulfilled life as the good and godly husbandman.

Intercede for them today so that they can arrive their tomorrow gloriously.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, revive my prayer altar and empower me to take the lead in my family fold.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me with the spirit of grace and supplication.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, increase my faith in You and Your words and deliver me from fear, doubt and discouragement.


I engage the weapon of prayer and fasting in preparing a glorious future for my wife and children because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.

Excerpt  from IN TUNE WITH GOD devotional of Sunday March 12, 2023


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Jesus Christ is Lord over all.

Bro. Ebenezer O. Igure

Head of Mission

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