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Bible Texts: 1Peter 5:8-9, Jn.10:10, Lk.18:1, Ezk.34:15, Zech.13:7, Mk.6:34, Eph.5:10-15, Matt.5:14-16, Gen.1:26-28, Rev.12:11, Matt.26:41

As the good and godly husbandman, you must be watchful at all times. This is because satan, sin and the world are always looking for opportunity to exploit. Let us consider the word of God in 1st Peter chapter 5.

Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The devil is poised to pounce and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up (1 Pet.5:8) MSG

The word of God tells us that we must keep a cool head and stay alert otherwise satan will take advantage of us. God’s word further tells us to keep our guard otherwise the devil will pounce on us.

As the husbandman, you must be alert to discern the tricks of satan, sin and the world. Ungodly attributes or manifestation such as drunkenness, adultery, bitterness, unforgiveness, hatred, malice, and all forms of spiritual complacency, ungodliness and immorality are areas where you will be tempted. If you do not guard your mind and body, you will fall into these traps. This is why you must be awake and be alert at all times so that you do not fall into temptation (Mk.6:34, Zech.13:7, Jn.10:10).

But how do I stay alert and keep guard over my life so that I do not fall into the traps of satan, sin and the world?

Whom ye resist steadfast in faith (2Pet.5:9a)

You keep guard and alert by resisting satan, sin and the world steadfastly in prayers and watchfulness.

Watch and pray that ye fall not into temptation (Matt.26:41)

As you resist satan, sin and the world in prayers, you must have a personal relationship with the Person of the Holy Spirit to help you to detect the traps, tricks and deceitfulness of the devil (Jn.14:26).

You must always watch over the type of relationships you keep, the places you visit, the books you read and what you listen to (1Cor.15:33).

You must always plead the blood of Jesus Christ over your life so that your thoughts and actions shall come under the authority of the word of God and not of this world. (Rev.12:11).

Therefore, you must be watchful and vigilant over your spirit, soul and body, and do not give satan, sin and the world a space.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from all temptations of satan, sin and the world.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus and by the help of the Person of the Holy Spirit, empower me to discern the tricks and traps of satan, sin and the world.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me with the spirit of faith to stand against the influences of satan, sin and the world.


I resist steadfastly and overcome the influences of satan, sin and the world by the power in the blood and name of Jesus and through the power of good and godly relationships as I walk the journey of the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.


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Jesus Christ is Lord over all.

Bro. Ebenezer O. Igure

Head of Mission

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