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Bible Texts: Job 1:1-3, Ecc.12:13-14, Ps.24:1-2, Ps.1:1-3, 1Cor.13:4-8, Gen.20:5, 1Kgs.9:4, Pro.20:7, Gen.17:1-3, Gen.12:1-3, Jn.15:5, Jn.14:26

Today’s teaching is inspired by the life and testimony of a husbandman called Job, whom God was proud of. My prayer this morning is that your life will reflect the righteous testimony of Job, amen.

This is the testimony of Job which God wants you to reproduce.

There once was a man named Job who lived in the land of Uz. He was blameless- a man of complete integrity. He feared God and stayed away from evil. He had seven sons and three daughters. He owned 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 teams of oxen, and 500 female donkeys. He also had many servants. He was in fact the richest person in that entire area (Job 1:1-3) NLT

Job feared God and stayed away from sin and its attractions. He lived by the principles of the word of God. That is was the testimony of Job. And it is the kind of life that God wants you to live (Ecc.12:13-14).

But why must I desire the testimony of Job?

The first is that it is God’s perfect will for you. God wants you to live a life well pleasing unto Him in all things (Gen.18:19, Rom.12:1-2, Ps.24:1-3). The second is that it is because God wants to bless you and to make you a blessing (Gen.12:1-3). And the third reason is because your conduct and actions have direct and indirect impact on those whom God has committed into your leadership.

Now, how do I reproduce the testimony of Job in my life as the husbandman?

You must have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ by repenting of your sinful life and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Personal Saviour (Jn.3:4-8). You must give attention to the study and meditation of the word of God because the more you study and think on the word of God the more you manifest the spirit of the word (Jn.5:39, 2Tim.2:15, Ps.1:1, Ezk.2:2, Rom.12:2). You must join a Bible believing Church where the word of God is taught in truth and power (Ps.133:1, 1Cor.15:33). You must engage the weapons of prayer and faith in God and His word (Mk.9:29, Lk.18:1, Heb.11:6). Finally, you must be mindful and careful of the company and relationship you keep because bad company corrupts good manners (1Cor15:33-34).

God can be proud of you as He was with Job. God can testify of you as He did with Job. Therefore, walk in the fear and admonition of the Lord because that is what makes you the good and godly husbandman.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus empower me to walk in the fear of the Lord in everything I do.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from the power of ungodly influences and relationships.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, make me the good and godly example.


I have the life of Christ in me and I walk in the fear and admonition of God in all that I do because I am ordained by God to be the man, husband and father of complete integrity in Jesus name. Amen.

The devotional IN TUNE WITH GOD© is published by The Husbandman Mission International, Headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria.


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Jesus Christ is Lord over all.

Bro. Ebenezer O. Igure

Head of Mission

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