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The Intercessory Shepherd

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Main Scriptures: Ezk.22:29-30

More Scriptures: Jn.10:10, Jas.1:6-7, Ps.24:1-3

Extortion is rife, robbery is evidence, the poor and the needy are abused, outsiders are kicked around at will, with no access to justice. I look for someone to stand up for me against all this, to repair the defences of the city, to take a stand for me and stand in the gap to protect this land so I wouldn’t have to destroy it. I couldn’t find anyone. Not one. (Ezk.23:29-30) MSG

I want every husband to examine the above Scriptures and glean some truths that will enhance your mentality of who you are and walk in the reality of the enormous power that God has deposited inside of you as the head of your family. There was injustice in the land. The poor and the needy were abused and there seemed to be no one to help them. Armed robbery was rampant. Those who had valuable treasures lost them to thieves. God was not pleased and He went searching for someone that will stand in the gap but He found none. And who was He looking for? He was looking for the custodian of the city, the priest. If you consider the word of God in Jn.10:10, it clearly captures the type of calamity that befell the city of God. The thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy…… (Jn.10:10a). All the negative events that occurred in Ezk.22:30 led to the three cardinal assignments of the devil- theft, death and destruction.

Now as the priest over your wife and children, you may have observed continuous strife in your family fold. You may have also experienced emotional, mental, material and physical losses. It may appear as though your sheep are being tossed around as sheep without a shepherd. It could be that your wife and children are being harassed by the devil. And yet it seems you are at a loss as regards what to do. You have concluded that there is no hope. God is challenging you today to know that He wants to intervene but He needs you to be available. He wants you to stand in the gap. He doesn’t want satan to have the final say.

But how do I stand in the gap as a priest? To stand in the gap means to intercede for your sheep by faith and not in doubt. This is because access to God and receiving anything from Him is triggered by faith (Heb.11:6, Jas.1:6-7). To stand in the gap also requires you to make enquiries from God about what could be responsible for the negative and unpleasant happenings in your sheepfold through the weapon of righteousness (Ps.24:1-3). God has all the answers and when He shows you the cause, He also empowers you to overcome. Therefore, don’t watch your sheep and your sheepfold disintegrate. Stand in the gap because that is where your honour as a good and godly husband lies.


·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, baptize me with the gate keeper’s anointing to watch over my sheep.

·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, destroy the power of fear and doubt in my life and empower me to walk in faith.

·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to walk in holiness and in Your fear.


I am an anointed intercessor for my sheep and the sheepfold so that they can enjoy the fullness of God’s blessings because that is what defines my headship as a good and godly husband in Jesus Name. Amen.

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