Main Scriptures: Luke 18:1
More Scriptures: Ephesians 5:27, 1John 2:1, John 10:11
In the next few days, by the grace of God, the Person of the Holy Spirit would be helping our understanding, as husbands, regarding the need to pronounce priestly blessing on our better half- the wife. Let me begin by saying that you are the priest. Your position in your sheepfold comes with the grace to bless your wife as her priest. So, beyond being her husband, you are also her lord. This explains why Sarah, the wife of Abraham called him lord. And the same commandment that God gave to the priests in Numbers 6:14-22 is exactly what He wants you to start doing to your wife. If you ever prayed for your wife, you have indirectly prayed for yourself. For the husbandman that laboureth shall be the first partaker of the fruits (2Timothy 2:6). Also remember that through your godly pronouncements on your wife, you are cleaning her up to become a vessel without spot or wrinkle (Ephesians 5:25-27).
As the head of your family and the shepherd over your wife, what you declare in prayers goes a long way to define the output from your wife. God wants you to have a godly wife-a reflection of the Church. So, the same way Jesus Christ has an everlasting relationship with the Church and continues to clean her up, is the same way you should have a relationship with your wife. (1John 2:1). A few examples abound of husbands in the Bible that prayed God’s will into the lives of their wives. Isaac prayed to God to open the womb of his wife and make her pregnant (Genesis 25:21), Zechariah did same (Luke1:13).
So, what is the first declaration you will make as a priest to your wife? You will declare over her life by saying, FATHER, I DECLARE ENERGY AND STRENGTH FOR MY WIFE FOR EACH DAY. This is so very important because when your wife is strong mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, you will enjoy her. It is a win-win for both of you. Your wife needs supernatural strength to function effectively in every area of her life-spiritually, mentally, sexually and psychologically. As the head of the family and the spiritual leader over your wife, you expect her to serve you in several ways-to satisfy your sexual needs, cook sumptuous meal for you, perhaps wash your clothes, serve your family and friends when they visit, take care of your children, and may be handle school runs. Now, when you relate these expectations with the fact that a woman by her make-up is physically not as strong as a man, then praying for God to strengthen her is not only spiritual, it is also a proof that you are a good shepherd (John 10:11). Your wife needs your help as her head. She desires to serve you well and in the best way possible. She wants to please you with her entire being. But you are better positioned to help her by asking the Lord to bless her with energy and strength because that is what will make her serve you greatly as the good and godly husband.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, confirm every blessing I pronounce over my wife.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, satisfy my wife with energy and strength daily.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, sanctify my life and cleanse me from every defilement.
I stand in the priestly office of the husbandman and pronounce the priestly blessing of energy and strength upon my wife because I am the good and godly shepherd in Jesus Name. Amen.
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