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Main Scriptures: Romans 8:5-6

More Scriptures: Gal.6:8, Jn.3:6, 1Cor.2:14

Let me start by saying that as humans, we operate in two distinct kingdoms and we are ruled by the laws of the two kingdoms. The kingdoms are the king of God and the kingdom of the world. So, the question is this, are you being ruled by the law of the kingdom of God or that of the kingdom of this world?

I have come to discover from Scripture that until a husband has the knowledge of God in him and he allows it to determine his decisions, relationships, conduct and comments, he can’t function as the godly man, husband and father. As the godly husband, God wants you to grow spiritually and be ruled by the law of the Spirit of Christ. God wants your spirit-man to be healthy and fruitful. He doesn’t want you to live after the flesh. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh, but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be CARNALLY minded is death, but to be SPIRITUALLY minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So, then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. Rom.8:5-8. As the head of the family and the spiritual leader of your wife and children, it is very important for you to take your life very seriously, spiritually.

A lot of husbands are so carnally minded that they have lost grip of their family’s spiritual heritage. You must understand that your office as a husband has its origin in spirituality. God created that office and the Scriptures say that God is Spirit and those that must do His bidding must do it in truth and in spirit. Carnality has led to many deaths in the family. Carnality has led to many husbands compromising on their stand on what is Godly and righteous. Carnality has made many husbands to break the protective hedge around their flock. Your headship over your wife and children is to infuse spiritual seeds into their lives. But it begins with you. If you read Acts chapter 5, you will discover that the husband allowed carnality to have its way in his life and that resulted in his death and that of his wife. But what does it mean to be spiritual as a husband? It means you are being ruled by the things of the Spirit, beginning and fundamentally by the word of God. As the husband and leader of the home, your decisions towards your wife and children must be influenced and determined by the Bible. There mustn’t be a middle ground. When you allow your life and actions to be influenced by the Word of God then your light would shine before your wife and children and the world (Matt.5:14-16). You are a spiritual being occupying a spiritual office. Your wife and children should know what you stand for on all issues of life. They should be able to predict what your reaction will be on the issues of life.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to live by Your Spirit in all that I do.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to overcome every force of carnality in my life.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, let my life reflect Your character before all.


I live by the dictates of the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus because that is the master key to becoming the good and godly husbandman in Jesus Name. Amen.

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