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Main Scriptures: Ps.121:1-3

More Scriptures: Gen.12:2, Jn.15:5, 1Pet.5:11

The will of God for you and I is to become like Jesus Christ to our sheep. God desires that we grow up as godly husbandmen-godly men, husbands and fathers. However, as you and I walk in this path of becoming the godly shepherd to our sheep, we will be confronted with challenges, pressures and obstacles. But in all these, we must stay on track and not seek alternatives. Consider the story of Abraham, the husband of Sarah. After waiting for over twenty years without the birth of the promised son, Isaac, Abraham decided to seek an alternative in the person of Haggai. Although she bore him a son, the consequences of that action were grave.

I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made the heaven and earth (Ps.121:1-2)

As the godly husbandman and the spiritual authority in your family-fold, it is dangerous to have alternatives to your disrespectful and rebellious wife and children. Alcohol is not the alternative to a nagging and unappreciative wife. Having a second wife or concubine is not either. Addiction to pornography and gambling is also not an alternative. Spending more time in church activities is not an alternative.

Alternatives are dangerous. Alternatives are deceitful. They only provide you with temporary relief but eternal pain. Do you want to see the power of God manifest mightily in the lives of your wife and children? Then let your eyes be focused on Jesus Christ, the very perfect example of the good and godly husbandman. Jesus Christ did not seek for alternatives to a stubborn Peter. He did not seek for alternatives for a doubting Thomas. He did not seek for alternatives for a thieving Judas. He kept teaching, guiding, praying for His bride. Today, these disciples have become the forerunners of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

So, how do I stay on my wife and children and ensure that I effect the needed changes that I want? Principally, you destroy the power of seeking for alternative by engaging heart-felt prayers. My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ is formed in you (Gal.4:19). Praying for your wife and children, is a proof of your love for them. You are their priest. You are their pastor. You are their prophet. You are their shepherd. You are their advantage. You are the head of the family. And one of the ways you can validate your headship is to stand firm in the place of prayer until the life of Christ is formed in them. You must shut down everything and anyone that wants to take you away from being the change agent in the lives of your sheep. Remember that where alternatives exist, miracles cease (Heb.11:1-2).


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, baptize me with the spirit of grace and supplication and help me to stand firm for my wife and children.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, stir up in me the spirit of faith for effectual leadership.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from the power of deceitful options and satanic alternatives.


I stay focused on God’s word and I refuse to seek alternatives in anything other than in intense and heart-felt prayer because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman to my wife and children in Jesus Name. Amen.

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