Main Scriptures: Gen.14:21-24
More Scriptures: Philp.4:8, Gen.14:23, Gen.12:2
Yesterday, we discovered from God’s word that as the good and godly husbandman, your true identity is honour-choosing to do what is right by the standard of the word of God and not what is convenient. That is doing what is right and what you like.
Let us consider the second feature of your identity. It is self-control or self-discipline. Did you know that your emotions, that is, your sexual appetite and anger are capable of leading you into trouble if you do not know how to control it? This is so important for you and me, striving to becoming good and godly husbandmen. Many husbands have lost their lives because they could not control their emotions at the sight of or mention of money, women or position. Very many shepherds have not only sacrificed their sheep for money, they have also sold their right to long life and ability to bear children to the god of this world-satan. Many more are struggling with the shame and pain of sexually transmitted diseases because they did not control their sexual appetite. Many also have beaten their wives or children to death because they couldn’t control their anger.
The good and godly husbandman has control over his emotions. He is able to control his anger, thoughts and body, notwithstanding the temptation. You cannot avoid your wife or children offending you because they are not perfect. You cannot avoid situations that may want to tempt you. So, your best to your wife and children is not found in holding bitterness against them or beating them up or even having extra-marital affair. Your best is in holding on to those godly ideals even when it does not seem convenient and make sense.
But how do I bring my emotions under control? The first is for you to acknowledge the Person of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. This is fellowship. The second is for you to be conscious that you have the mind of Christ. There is something powerful about your mind. It is the seat of decision. And that is why the Bible warns us to guard our hearts with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life (Pro.4:23). The urge to commit adultery, be bitter against your wife and children takes its root in your mind. If what occupies your mind is ungodliness, you will manifest ungodliness. If what occupies your mind is righteousness, you will manifest righteousness. So, for you to be in command of your emotions and bring it under control, you must daily renew your mind with the Word of God (Rom.12:1-3). You must make time to study your Bible and read or listen to other anointed books. You are made by the word of God (Gen.2:7) and you will require the Word of God to become the good and godly husbandman. That is your personality.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to exercise absolute control over my emotions.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from every root of bitterness I have against my wife and children.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me not to seek alternatives outside Your word.
My mind is renewed by the word of God and I bring my emotions under control because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman to my wife and children in Jesus name. Amen.
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