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Bible Texts: Matt.20:26-29, Rom.8:17, Jn.10:15, 1Cor.2:16, 2Cor.5:20, Jn.3:16, Gal.4:19, Eph.5:25, Jn.3:30, Gen.22:18, Jn.10:1-2, Deut.6:6-9, Lk.18:1, Gen.12:2

Few days ago, I listened to a discussion on some of the ills of the society. And one of the discussants concluded by saying that if the man can be the man indeed, a lot would change for the better in our families and that will positively impact the society. I agreed completely and that is why today, by the help of the Person of the Holy Spirit, we shall be exploring the word of God to find out the personality of the husbandman that makes him good and godly.

As the husbandman, how much of yourself are you willing and ready to sacrifice for the good of your wife and children? What sacrifices are you prepared to make to become the good and godly man, husband and father?

Jesus Christ, the perfect example of the good and godly husbandman, sacrificed His convenience and everything to restore mankind back to the path of fellowship with God, the Father.

But it shall not be so among you but whosoever will be great among you, let him be you minister. And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant. Even so as the Son of man came not be ministered unto, BUT TO MINISTER, AND TO GIVE HIS LIFE A RANSOM FOR MANY (Matt.20:26-28)

Jesus Christ paid the price so others can be free and be established. Jesus Christ left His comfort zone in heaven to earth for the good of mankind. And when He came, He said, “even so the Son of man came to minister and to give his life a ransom”.

As the husbandman, you are a joint heir with Jesus Christ (Rom.8:17). You have the mind of Christ and you have the capacity to make important sacrifices in order for your life to reflect the true nature of Christ in words, works and deeds and nurture your wife and children in the way and admonition of the Lord.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son…. (Jn.3:16)

God wants you to put your life on the line for them.

What are the sacrifices you must make?

You must continually stand in the gap in prayers for your wife and children and pray for them (Lk.18:1, Gal.4:19). You must make their lives comfortable and not burdensome (Gen.12:1-2). You must always give their spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well being first place in your life by investing your time, skills, knowledge and finances in them (Deut.6:6-9, Eph.5:25, Col.3:19, Eph.6:4). You must deny yourself the temporary attraction of sin and ungodliness and embrace godliness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost in order to gain eternal life (Gal.5:21-23, Rev.21:6-8).

God has called you to serve His interest on earth and in the lives of your wife and children. Therefore, give your best to them because you are a Christ and on course to becoming the good and godly husbandman.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, teach me how to be a committed minister and a worthy minister.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, help me not be weary in well doing and empower me to live a sacrificial life as the man, husband and father.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to be steadfast in doing Your perfect will as the man, husband and father.


I have the life of Christ in me and I have the Spirit of the Lord working in me hence I am empowered to live a sacrificial life, doing the perfect will of God as the man, husband and father because that is what makes me a worthy minister and the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.

The devotional IN TUNE WITH GOD© is published by The Husbandman Mission International, Headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria.


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Jesus Christ is Lord over all.

Bro. Ebenezer O. Igure

Head of Mission

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