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Bible Texts: Pro.14:1-2, Eph.5:22-25, Num.6:22, Jos.24:15, 1Cor.13:4-9, Ps.23:1, Col.3:19, 1Pet.3:7-9, 1Tim.5:8, 2Thess.3:10

Praise God for bringing us to the end of the month of June 2024. For all that God has done with us, for us and through us, we return all the glory to Him alone.

As we enter the second half of the year 2024, it is important for the husbandman to initiate and create an environment at the home front so that his wife and children will succeed. This requires the husbandman to create healthy relationships with his wife and children.

Consider this Scripture for a moment. It is worth reading and I want you to please study and meditate with an open mind.

Every wise woman buildeth her house but a foolish plucketh it down with her hands (Pro.14:1)

The word of God describes your wife as the person who has dual abilities. She can build and she can also pluck. However, her ability to perform any of the role, either as a builder or plucker is a function of the quantity and quality of spiritual, emotional, physical, financial and mental materials you make available to her. If you create an environment of bitterness, malice, hatred, bad will, mental torture, blackmail, physical abuse, unfaithfulness and unforgiveness, you will sure have a wife who will manifest a plucker’s response. But if you provide healthy spiritual diet of praying for and with her, mercy and compassion, emotional and physical support, kindness, good will, faithfulness, trust, patience and forgiveness, she will build your home for you to enjoy.

Whether she functions as a builder or a plucker depends on the types, quality and quantity of materials as mentioned above that the husbandman provides for her and the environment he creates for her. This is why the Scriptures has this to say to you, the husbandman.

Husbands, likewise dwell with them with understanding, giving honour to the wife as to the weaker vessel…(1Pet.3:7) NKJV

The word of God says that you must dwell with your wife with understanding by giving honour to her. God did not ask you to dishonor your wife. So, you have to make a decision today either to give honour to your wife or dishonour her. Whatever you give to her and the environment you create for her will motivate her to either be a builder or a plucker.

Some years ago, the Person of the Holy Spirit inspired in my heart this truth. He said, “it is the kind of environment that the husband creates for his wife that determines the outcomes that he gets from her”.

Are you ready to be the supplier of good and godly materials to your wife to build your home?


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from the traditions and culture of man.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, teach me how to create good and godly environment for my wife and children to flourish.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, make me a fruitful vine in the lives of my wife and children.


I take responsibility to create and continue to recreate a good and godly environment for my wife and children to be their best because that is my heritage as the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.


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