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The Husband, His Message

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Main Scriptures: Jn.10:9-10

More Scriptures: Rom.12:18, Lk.10:5, 2Chro.32:7

I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture. The thief cometh not but for to steal, and to kill and to destroy : I am come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly (Jn.10:9-10)

As the head of the family and the shepherd of your sheep, are you a merchant of death and destruction of a merchant of abundant life? This question is so important because every husband has a message. Jesus Christ who is the perfect example of a good and godly husband has a message for the people of the world. He had a message of restoration and abundance. He did not come to kill, destroy and steal from those He was sent to serve and save. Rather, He came to give life and give it abundantly. So, one cannot separate Jesus Christ from His message.

That is who you are. You are your message. You cannot separate your life from your conduct, habits and thoughts. You are a life-giving agent. You are ordained by God to give life to your wife and children. You are in the lives of your sheep to help them rise above the pressures of the world, sin and satan. You are in their lives to make them go far in the plans of God for them. You are in the lives of your sheep to comfort them and not to compound their hurts. You are not an agent of death. You are Christ. You have His nature. So you do not have the capacity to steal the trust of your wife, kill the hope of your children and destroy the future of your sheep. But for you to deliver and live the true message of Jesus Christ for your life and the benefit of your wife and children, you need to take the following steps.

The first is for you to agree that you have a message. That when God made you lord over your wife and children, He had a message for you to deliver to your sheep. You must understand that as the head of your family, you cannot rise above the level of truth that you know. This is why the Scripture tells us in Jn.8:32-33 that you shall know the truth and the truth that you know shall set you free. So, the starting point is to know. Secondly, you must believe that the message is true and it is from God. A lot of your victories as the head of your family depend on your level of faith. And it takes faith in God to overcome doubt. Thirdly, you must declare boldly, confidently and consistently the message notwithstanding the negative and unpleasant reports. You are the good shepherd. You have a message. Make the message count positively in the lives of your wife and children.


·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to believe Your word with the whole of my heart.

·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to teach the truth of Your word to Your sheep.

·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to function as a good shepherd to my sheep.


I am the good shepherd and I am a carrier of life and abundance for the good of my wife and children as a good and godly husband in Jesus name. Amen.

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