Main Scriptures: Gen.6:2-3
More Scriptures: Ps.91:16, Ps.118:17, Job 42:17
God wants you to be alive for your sheep. He doesn’t want your sheep to be without a shepherd. And Jesus had compassion on them because they were as sheep without a shepherd (Mk.6:34). So, as the head of the family, you must cooperate with God for the longevity plan He has for you.
Now consider this Word of Scripture assigned to the husband of Sarah and I want you to connect to that promise for your life. And Abraham was old and well-stricken in age and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things (Gen.24:1). Let us look at another one attributed to Job. So, Job died, being old and full of days (Job 42:17). You can see that God is interested in you living long and living old and fulfilling His plans for your sheep.
Now, how do you live old and full of days? The first thing is for you to walk in wisdom by watching the things you eat and ensure that you rest well. As it is popularly said, you are what you eat. The Bible tells us that our body is the temple of the living God (2Cor.6:16-19). And so, your body is not to be abused by eating recklessly and eating junks that will destroy your organs and systems and tissue. Please note that not every food is good for your body particularly as you advance in age. The next thing you must do is to live in love towards God and man and continue to do so (Ps. 91:14). Bitterness is cancerous. It eats your peace and causes your body to produce poisons that are dangerous to your health. Rather than live in bitterness, be joyful towards God and your sheep. Furthermore, you must walk in the fear of God by eschewing evil and walk in righteousness. This means that you must not engage in sexual immorality, robbery, theft, ritual and devilish sacrifices. You must also live your life per time. Remember that life is in phases and men are in sizes. Where you are today is the place for now. It is also the least place you will ever be. It is when you want to create a false value for yourself that you find yourself engaged in vices such as stealing, bribery and others that may hurt your body and ultimately kill you. When you steal you are caught and when you’re caught you go to jail and in jail you become weak and depressed. And if you’re not careful you may die. You must also live in faith (Heb. 11:16). Keep declaring your longevity and your fullness. Counter every fear of death or accident by the power in your tongue. Confess the soundness of your spirit, soul and body and the fullness thereof in faith and not fear.
You have been created by God to live long and live well so that your wife, children and other family members can enjoy the blessings of God upon your life.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, I repent of all my recklessness and indiscretion as the head of my family.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, I refuse to die but live to declare God’s counsel for my life.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, I shall live long and well to become a blessing to my wife and children.
I shall not die but live long and well to declare God’s counsel for my wife and children because that is my heritage as the good and godly husband in Jesus name. Amen.
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