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Main Scriptures: Psalms 23:1-3

More Scriptures: Isaiah 1:17, Matthew 14:28, Luke 22:32

As the head of the family and the leader in your sheepfold, it is only when you have learnt how to lead yourself that you can begin to know how to lead your wife and children. Any leader who has not learnt how to lead himself and wants to lead others is a disaster waiting to happen. You must understand that you cannot give what you don’t have. You cannot impart on your wife and children the kind of virtues that is expected in every follower with a godly leader, if you don’t have those characters in you. Every husband has been ordained by God to lead the way. He is to give direction to his flock. Nothing excites God and heaven like when a husband takes full charge of leading his family. And nothing degrades the office of the husbandman like being led by his flock. In our main text today, Jesus Christ, the Head of all husbands, met with Peter, just the same way you met your wife. Peter is likened to your wife because Jesus speaking said to Peter, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail (Matthew 16:18). And in the Book of Revelation, the Church is described as the Bride of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.

Now when He met with His bride, He said to him, “follow me and I will make you fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). Everyone that Jesus met who eventually constituted His family fold, He showed them the way. He offered them a better life. As the head of your family, God has sent you to your wife and children to offer them a better life here on earth-righteousness, joy in the Holy Ghost, strong godly foundations, hope, success, faith and much more. This is your ultimate goal as the spiritual leader of your family fold. But for you to achieve this, you must agree and commit to take personal responsibility for the office of the husbandhood. Until you agree that you are the head and you are ready to pay the price of what your headship demands, you will not make the most of your life as a husband. Secondly, you must give yourself to learning. There are no gifted husbands, there are only learned husbands. In Isaiah 1:17, the Scripture has this to say. LEARN TO DO WELL, seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. Husbands, you must understand that you cannot be better than what you know. The more you know the better your thought patterns and the better your life. And all this will positively impact on your wife and children. And as you decide today to take the lead in your family kingdom, you will enjoy the fruits of peace, health, joy, strength and hope. As the head of your family, you must continue to give yourself to learning, reading and practicing the instructions from the Bible. So that as you learn to be obedient to the Word, so will your sheep be obedient to you.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, make me an obedient servant to all of Your commandments.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, make me a practitioner of Your commandments.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to impart and lead my wife and children in all Your ways.


I submit my will, emotion and desire to God and through my obedience I exercise the power to lead my wife and children unto godliness as the good and godly husband in Jesus Name. Amen.

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Published inDaily DevotionalsWith Audio


  1. Pete Pete

    Continue to pray that i am that husband God wants me to .be.

    • Ebenezer Igure Ebenezer Igure

      We will continue to uphold you in prayers and trust that as you walk and work towards becoming the good and godly husband, God shall supply you the grace you require to live the good life. The Mission has started a prayer meeting tagged THE NEHEMIAH TEAM. We meet every Tuesday and Friday. At this meeting, we lift up men, husbands and fathers around the world in prayers. So, we are assured that God will help you. Remain ever blessed

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