Main Scriptures: Romans 12:20-21
More Scriptures: Romans 5:5, Lk.7:48, Rom.6:14
If you are familiar with office politics, you may understand the word override. Sometimes when you put up a position to your immediate boss or the Chief Executive Officer and he or she doesn’t seem to be comfortable with it and feels otherwise, he or she may overrule and insist that his or her positions stand. Just as it happens in the negative so does it happen in the positive. This is what played out when the keepers of the law and the pious men of Israel, brought the woman that was caught in adultery to Jesus Christ. They were pharisees. They had ruled that the adulterous woman was guilty. And she really was. They had punishments for such irresponsible behavior. And they were justified. They facts cannot be contested neither can the woman escape the judgment. But when they brought the sinner to the Jesus Christ, He override the impending danger against the woman. This is what Jesus said to the woman. Thy sins have been forgiven, go and sin no more (Lk.7:48).
That is the what Jesus Christ, the perfect example of the good and godly husband did. And because you are made in His image and likeness and He has become your perfect example of the godly husbandman, you can also act like Him. You can override those accusations against your wife and children. The accusations may be that they have disrespected you, disobeyed you or have been disloyal to you. Your sheep may have disappointed you and behaved so disgracefully that you would be justified if you treat them like common criminals. But the word of God, which guides your behavior, action and response, says no. don’t treat them like an enemy. The word of God commands you to override their errors.
Now, what does it mean to override? It means to forgive your wife and children. It also means to be compassionate towards the failures of your sheep. And finally, it means to identify areas of improvement for your sheep and pray for the positive changes to occur in their lives. In Matthew chapter 6, the Scripture admonishes us to forgive those who have offended us as we seek forgiveness from our heavenly father. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us (Matt.6:12). You must understand that your life is ruled by the law of the Spirit of God in Christ Jesus. You are not like the normal husbandman. You are a godly husband and so you treat and respond to your sheep as Jesus Christ would. You must also remember that your sheep are God’s treasures. They matter to God and He trust you enough to love them as Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:25). So, the only way you can override their errors is to acknowledge that your sheep are human so they will make mistakes. Secondly, your sheep would always require guidance because you are their shepherd. Thirdly, you must allow the love of Christ to overshadow your heart. (Roms.5:5)
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me with the power of love to forgive my wife and children.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from the power of bitterness and unforgiveness.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me with the Spirit of truth so that I can lead and correct my sheep in love and in truth.
I am a reflection of Jesus Christ, and by His grace I override every shortcomings and weaknesses of my wife and children and love them passionately as Christ would because that is what makes me the good and godly in Jesus name. Amen.
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