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Main Scriptures: Gen.2:14-15

More Scriptures: Ps.51:12, Jer.23:4, Jer.22:13

Have you ever wondered why God made the man first? Have you asked why God made you the head of the family? What was and still is the intention of making you the head and handing over the entire family kingdom to you? The reason why God did that is simple leadership. In Genesis chapter 2 and verses 14 through to 15, God set a pattern for every leadership in the sheepfold. And the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. And the Lord (Gen.2:15). God took the man and handed over the garden to him. This was in addition to when God brought all the animals He had created to the man to name. God also brought the woman He made to the man to name, and he gave her a name. All these actions by God was to instill leadership in the man.

That is exactly what God has done for you. He made you the head of your family and the first among your sheep because He wants you to provide purposeful leadership to them. God wants you to lead your sheep in ways that pleases Him. He wants you to influence them for His kingdom. God wants you to bring His kingdom into your sheepfold and into the lives of your wife and children. So, you are not just a number among your sheepfold. You are the leader in your sheepfold. But the question is this, what kind of leadership does God expect you to deliver to your wife and children?

God wants you to deliver the leadership of peace, joy, salvation, faith, love and holiness. God wants you to lead your sheep peaceably. He wants you to give peace of mind to them. He wants you to pursue peace with all your might. What this means is that your action, conduct and response to them and the issues that concern them will promote peace in their hearts and lives. So, you must be careful how you live your life. God wants you to be a channel of joy to them by making the purpose of Christ’s death meaningful to them. The Bible calls it the joy of my salvation (Ps.51:12). Your life must not only reflect the true value and character of Jesus Christ to your sheep, it must motivate them to live a life of righteousness. You are ordained to lead them through the way to heaven. God wants you to lead them by loving them with the whole of your heart, soul, body and might. It is the love of Christ in you that motivates you to forgive your wife and children when they offend you or hurt your feelings. It is the love of Jesus working inside of you that empowers you to be compassionate to your sheep when they fail. Therefore, you must continue to uphold your office with dignity in Christ and lead your sheep honourably.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me with the Spirit of godly leadership and help me to lead my sheep honourably.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, make me a godly leader to my wife and children.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, make me useful to Your kingdom and to my sheepfold.


I receive the Spirit of Christ, and through His Spirit I lead my wife and children honourably till the end because that is what makes me the good and godly husband in Jesus Name. Amen.

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