Main Scriptures: Numbers 13:1-30
More Scriptures: Matt.6:22, Is.8:18, Pro.31:25
Our main text today tells us about the story of Joshua, Caleb and the 12 spies. And message from the Scripture is to encourage you that despite the challenges that COVID-19 pandemic ushered into the world this year 2020, the future holds great promises for you. So, don’t be discouraged or despaired. Jesus Christ holds your future in His hands, and it is glorious (Jer.29:11).
Now, Joshua, Caleb and some people were spies sent to spy the land that God had promised them. They spied the land and discovered that there were giants in the land and so they (spies) became frightful. But two men out of the 12 spies saw beyond the giants and the facts on ground. These men were Joshua and Caleb. They gave a different report to the one who sent them, Moses, the prophet. They said, we are well more than able (Jos.13:30).
The negative circumstances around your wife and children may appear to be like those giants that the spies saw at the Promised Land. They may appear to be an impossible case to handle. But God is saying to you that you should not be moved by what you see. Look at the bigger pictures. There is nothing wrong with your wife and children. Just the same way Joshua and Caleb did not focus on the fact but on the promise, you are expected to focus on the promise of God for your wife and children. God said in Is.8:18 that the children He has given to you, they are for signs and wonders. So, look beyond what is happening to your children now and see them as signs and wonders to their generation. In Pro.31:25 the Scriptures say strength and honour are her clothing. God designed your wife for honour and not shame and embarrassment. If you notice anything contrary, understand that satan, your adversary is at work. Your wife is an honorable woman. She is a woman of strength and dignity. Don’t let her present ungraceful attitude take your eyes away from the big picture. Can you imagine what would have happened if the people of Israel had believed the report of the 10 spies? They would not have had the courage to possess the Promised Land, notwithstanding that God promised to give it to them. God has designed you to enjoy your wife and children. There are great promises lined up for your flock. It is not a mistake that you married your wife or have children. God has programmed your home to be full of precious things (Ezk.28:13). Don’t settle for anything less.
But how can I see and hold onto the bigger pictures as the leader in my home? Firstly, by holding on to the truth of God’s word tirelessly; trust God and His promises; keep confessing His will daily; and remain focused.
- Father, by Your Spirit, empower me to live above the flesh and its attraction.
- Father, by Your Spirit, teach how to engage my life for spiritual demands.
- Father, by Your Spirit, anoint me with fresh power, wisdom and might.
I am anointed by the Spirit of God to see beyond the present because that is what sets me on the path of glory and honour as a good and godly husband in Jesus name. Amen.
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