Main Scriptures: Titus 3:1-4
More Scriptures: Matt.1:18, Eph.6:4, Eph.5:23
HUSBANDS, BE JUST AND FAIR TO ALL BEGINNING WITH YOUR WIFE AND CHILDREN. That is the admonition to a husband reading this devotional today. The Spirit of God is saying to you that you have been unjust and unfair to your wife, children and all people around. It is now time for you to change your ways and act like Jesus Christ would to your wife and children.
What does it mean for you to be just and fair to your wife and children? Let us look at it from the Word of God. In Titus 3:2, the Scripture says, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all men (Tit.3:2). From this verse of Scripture, you will observe the following. For you to speak evil of your sheep is to be unfair and unjust to them. If you are not gentle and not courteous to your wife and children, you are unjust and unfair. As the head of the family, it is your duty to speak courteously to your wife and children irrespective of their level of education or social exposure. For you to shout on top of your voice repeatedly on your wife, you are not being fair to her. For you to insult your child publicly, you are not being fair to him or her. If you read Eph.6:4, the Word of God says, fathers, do not provoke your children to anger (Eph.6:4). One of the ways you can provoke your children to anger is to be unfair and unjust to them through speaking disrespectfully to them.
But why must I be fair and just to my wife and children? Firstly, you have the mind of Christ and it is the nature of Jesus Christ, the perfect example of the good and godly husbandman. (Eph.5:22-26). Jesus never treated His disciples unjustly or unfairly, even when Peter spoke to Him rudely and Judas Iscariot worked to betray Him. Secondly, you had enjoyed fairness and justice from God. Do you remember those things that you did that nobody saw but would have ended your life or destroyed your destiny which God showed you mercy? Have you considered the event between Joseph and Mary, the mother of Jesus in Matt.1:18-22? When this husband discovered that his betrothed wife was pregnant, he did not speak harshly or become unjust to her by throwing her away on the street. He treated her with dignity and honour. Beginning from today, treat your wife and children fairly and justly. That is your heritage.
- Father, by Your Spirit, teach me to be fair and just to my wife and children.
- Father, by Your Spirit, save me from unruly tongue and disrespectful attitude.
- Father, by Your Spirit, give me a new heart that I may value and treat my wife and children with dignity.
I am fair and just to my wife and children and the people around me because that is what makes me a good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.
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